
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 29)

Industry 4.0 plan, Italy, France and Germany strengthen the cooperation for Industry 4.0

The meeting of the Trilateral Cooperation Committee of Italy, France and Germany took place on 18 January in Paris to promote the digitization of the manufacturing industry and to strengthen the strong link between the three countries in the context of Industry 4.0. The initiative was born with the aim of developing a coordination between the respective national plans, such as Industry 4.0 Plan, Alliance Industrie du Futur and Plattform Inustrie 4.0. The Committee has launched a shared document on the standardization of the administrative core (a common language for expressing functions in new industrial products) and on issues related to the...

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Public-private partnership, Centers of high specialization competence, Directorial Decree 29 January 2018 Mise

The decree promotes the constitution and defines the conditions, criteria and methods of financing, within the limit of 20 million euro for 2017 and 20 million euro for 2018, of the centers of competence in the form of the public-private partnership Text reserved for customers Source Ministry of Economic Development...

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Business, Financial, stock markets, sudden technical sell-off, but the fundamentals hold

Candriam: US Equity, sudden technical sell-off, but the fundamentals hold, word to the market Since last week, stock markets have burned most of the gains in 2018. The stock exchange start-up in January had been too rapid and the sentiment indicators had become overly optimistic. However, the market sell-off is more systemic than based on fundamentals. The growing fear of investors that the so-called Goldilocks scenario is about to close is unjustified and, in our opinion, a context of favorable fundamentals will eventually prevail. Since the end of last week, equity investors have begun to monetize their 2018 earnings, initially because they are worried...

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Consortium companies spa, extraordinary shareholders’ meeting, Introduction during the company of a clause for the overturning losses on shareholders, Court of Cassation, I Civ. Section, Judgment n. 2623 of 02/02/2018

Essential lines of the arguments of the Supreme Court of Cassation This was followed by a resolution of the ordinary shareholders' meeting of the consortium company, which approved the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2004 with a majority vote on the individual consortium members, in proportion to shares held by each. For the ascertainment of the nullity of the indicated resolutions, the Confindustria consortium members have promoted separate actions ...

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Industrial and intellectual property, industrial design, works of the figurative arts and industrial design, industrial production, unfair competition for appropriation of the merits and work of others, parasitic competition, unjustified enrichment, compensation for damages, Court of Cassation, I Civ. Sec., Judgment n. 658 of 12/01/2018

Orientation of the jurisprudence of legitimacy in the matter of industrial design, affirmed, however, in the period following the ruling of the contested judgment, according to which the artistic value of the work consists not in the diversity of the same compared to other pre-existing ones, which relates more to the profile of creativity, but in a quid pluris, whose proof belongs to the part that invokes its protection, and which can be derived from a series of parameters, not all necessarily co-present in concrete, such as the creation by a well-known artist, the recognition of subsistence of aesthetic and...

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Criminal law, False, half-crime, crime-end, self-certification, Court of Cassation, V Crim. Section, Judgment n. 2064 of 18/01/2018

Essential lines of the arguments of the Supreme Court of Cassation Appeal against the order of 11/07/2017 of the LIBERTA LIBERTA di RIETI BELIEVED IN FACT 1. By order of 11 / 7-2 / 8/2017 the Court of the Rieti Review has confirmed the preventive seizure of the licenses n ...

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Criminal law, Industrial property, works of industrial design, industrial products, informed user, Court of Cassation, III Criminal Section, Judgment n. 2402 of 22/01/2018

Essential lines of the arguments of the Supreme Court of Cassation Appeal against the sentence of the Court of Appeal of LECCE, Sec. Dist. TARANTO on 21/11/2016. The following principle of law must be affirmed: "The crime of manufacture and trade of goods made by usurping industrial property rights is also integrated in the case of industrial design works intended for serial production, which are protected under the art. 2, n. 10, of the law n. 633 of 1941, where the normatively indicated conditions occur, given the creative character and the artistic content of the work (This case concerns the question of...

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