
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 33)

International Trade, Import – Export, Dual use, Dual – use technological products, Mise

GOODS TO DUPLIC USE Dual goods and technologies are those that can be used in civil applications but also in the production, development and use of military goods, they are different from armaments as they are not specifically designed for military use (see Regulations). An effective dual-use export control system is needed to ensure compliance with international commitments and responsibilities made by States, which have adhered to export control regimes in particular on non-proliferation. The existence of a common system of harmonized rules and policies in export controls in all the Member States of the Union is a prerequisite for a free...

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Bankruptcy Procedures, Reasonable Duration, Judgment No. 23982_2017, Supreme Court of Cassation, standard of the European Court of Human Rights

Bankruptcy Procedures, Reasonable Duration of the Process, Judgment No. 23982_ 2017, Supreme Court of Cassation, Sec. Civil 2, publication of 12/10/2017 Essential lines of the topic In terms of fair compensation for the violation of the reasonable time limit of the trial, pursuant to art. 2, second paragraph, of the law n. 89 of 2001, the duration of bankruptcy proceedings, according to the standard derived from the rulings of the European Court of Human Rights, is five years in the case of medium complexity and, in any case, for those that are highly complex - due to the number of creditors, particular...

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Competitiveness, Attractiveness appeal for Italian companies

Technology, media and tourism. The compass of the attractiveness of Italian companies is focused on these three sectors. This is revealed by the classifiers K Finance, partner equity markets of Borsa Italiana, based on the (unconsolidated) financial statements of over 49 thousand companies divided into 17 sectors with the still image at 2016. The first result is a summary index, where the lower value is the appeal is higher. second, it has all the good news: after the crisis and the "new normal" Italian companies have become more dynamic, thanks to a more favorable mix of the situation, cultural change and...

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Environment, Discipline of reporting material matrices – interpretative clarifications, Ministry of Environment

Subject: Discipline of reporting material matrices - interpretative clarifications, Circular of the General Manager prot 0015786 of 10 November 2017 With reference to the regulation of reporting matrix materials and to the use of these materials, also taking into consideration the new provisions on the matter contained in the Presidential Decree of 13 June 2017, no. 120, the regulation laying down the simplified regulation of the management of excavated earth and rocks, in accordance with article 8 of the decree - law 12 September 2014, n. 133, converted, with amendments, by law 11 November 2014, n. 164, the present circular intends...

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Industry, Innovation: the effects on work and performance of companies the position of Italy in global value chains

The world of industry is changing at a speed and with pervasiveness, between sectors and social contexts, which are unprecedented in history. The structural factors that determine the changes act on different levels, sometimes very distant, and generate discontinuities, epochal leaps. The CSC in Industrial Scenarios (and other publications) has long turned the spotlight on these changes and the factors that are at the origin. This year puts them in line and contextualizes better to stylize them and extract suggestions for companies and policies. There are seven main fields on which it is necessary to act to address the epochal changes taking...

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Business Incentives, Directorial Circular December 1, 2017, n. 189158, Mise

Evaluation activities on interventions to support economic and productive activities The circular contains instructions for the purpose of collecting data and information regarding the facilities for which Central and Local Administrations are responsible, which are necessary for the preparation of the Report on interventions to support economic and productive activities for the year 2018. This circular has the purpose to involve stakeholders more effectively and ensure an efficient organization and flow of data and information. The circular is being published in the Official Journal. Source Ministry of Economic Development circolare 01 dicembre 2017 n 189158 mise    ...

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Agro-industrial development contracts, business incentives, Clarifications, Mise

Directorial circular November 24, 2017, n. 183851 The circular provides some clarifications on the application of the new provisions established by Ministerial Decree of 2 August 2017 in order to allow their application in accordance with the aid scheme approved by the European Commission and the aforementioned Guidelines for State aid in the sector agricultural and forestry. Source Ministry of Economic Development circolare 24 novembre 2017 n 183851 mise...

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Environment, Industry 4.0, Towards a model of circular economy for Italy, Ministers Gian Luca Galletti and Carlo Calenda

This document aims to provide a general framework for the circular economy and to define the strategic positioning of our country on the theme, in continuity with the commitments adopted under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations on sustainable development, at the G7 and in the European Union. This document is an important step for the implementation of the broader National Strategy for Sustainable Development approved by the Italian Government on 2 October 2017, contributing in particular to the definition of the objectives of efficient use of resources and more circular and sustainable...

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Banking and Company, Unicredit pan-European bank changes governance, farewell to the ceiling of 5% of the voting right no longer in line with the best practices

The outgoing council can propose a list for the board, two places for the minority. Eliminated the limit for the exercise of voting rights Unicredit changes governance and Fabrizio Saccomanni, "ideal candidate" for the presidency in place of Giuseppe Vita when the new board is appointed, says: "Good corporate governance is a key element that is assessed by investors and supervisory authorities. Dialogue with all our stakeholders is and must be a constant reference. It is a key element in strengthening the capacity of a large pan-European bank such as ours to meet the challenges that lie ahead. To this goal I...

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Air transport, La Iata: «In 2018 record profits for airlines»

Next year profit will increase by 11% to 38.4 billion, while revenues will increase by 9.4% to 824 billion. Nearly half of the expected profits next year will be generated by North American carriers Global sales of $ 824 billion, record high net profit (€ 38.4 billion) and historic passenger numbers (€ 4.3 billion). However, at the same time, a gain for travelers of only $ 8.9. 2018 will be another positive year for aviation, with IATA, the largest airline association, "but with a profit that is ten billion dollars lower than Apple's," commented number one Alexandre de Juniac, underlining the...

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