
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 28)

Financial, New Intermediaries Regulation, Strengthening protection for investors in financial instruments, Transposition into Italian law of Directive 2014/65/EU and of Regulation (EU) no. 600/2014 (MiFIR)

On 15 February 2018 the Commission approved the new Intermediaries Regulation which will enter into force on the day following its publication in the Official Gazette. This concludes the phase of transposition into Italian law of Directive 2014/65 / EU (Markets in Financial Instruments Directive - MiFID II) and of Regulation (EU) no. 600/2014 (MiFIR), which reinforce the safeguards for investors in financial instruments distributed by intermediaries and / or traded on trading venues in the European Union. The new Intermediaries Regulation was drawn up on the basis of the results of the consultations with the market started in the second half...

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Banking, Guidelines for the valuation of properties to guarantee loans

Now available the "Guidelines for the evaluation of properties to guarantee uncollectable loans": a new tool to promote the transparency and correctness of the assessments of properties subject to judicial and extrajudicial enforcement procedures. This was announced by ABI during the current conference "Efficient management of credit recovery procedures", highlighting the objective achieved starting from the Memorandum of Understanding for the valuation of properties to guarantee bad debts subscribed together with the main operators of the market (Assilea-Italian association leasing, Assoimmobiliare-Association of Real Estate Industry, Assovib, National Board of Agrotechnics and Agrotechnical Graduates, National Board of Agricultural Experts and Graduated Agricultural...

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Banking and Companies, Guarantees and Credit to Companies, ABI/Confindustria Agreement on new loan guarantees

An agreement that represents an important step in the process of modernizing relations between banks and businesses was signed at Palazzo Chigi by the President of Confindustria, Vincenzo Boccia and the General Director of ABI, Giovanni Sabatini, in the presence of the Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni and of the Ministers of Economy and Finance, Pier Carlo Padoan and of Justice, Andrea Orlando. The agreement is aimed at ensuring a better credit service to businesses, allowing them to extend the duration of loans and free up resources for growth, thanks to a more flexible system of guarantees and faster credit recovery times. The...

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Financial, Nullity of contract of financial intermediation, regulation of jurisdiction, negotiating case, ordinary judge, Court of Cassation, VI Civ. Section, Ord. n. 1826 of 24/01/2018

Essential lines of the arguments of the Supreme Court of Cassation The following principle of law is set out: "There is no dispute over the jurisdiction of the court specializing in business matters concerning the purchase of shares in the capital of the same bank under a financial investment contract, in which the plaintiff pursuant to Legislative Decree 24 February 1998, n. 58, the violation of the provisions regulating the provision of investment services and the failure by the bank to comply with the legal rules of conduct imposed on financial intermediaries ". ORDER on the appeal registered under no. 28543-2016 R.G. proposed...

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Administrative Law, Code of Public Contracts, Functions of the Director of Works and of the Director of Execution, Council of State, Opinion n. 360_2018, Meeting of the Special Commission of 23 January 2018, expedition of 12/02/2018

The Minister of Infrastructure and Transport asked for an opinion on the draft decree to be issued pursuant to art. 111 (Technical, accounting and administrative control) of the new Code of public contracts, approved by Legislative Decree 18 April 2016, n. 50, as amended by the "corrective" pursuant to Legislative Decree 19 April 2017, n. 56. According to the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of art. 111, with the decree of the Minister of Infrastructures and Transport the guidelines are approved which, respectively: - identify the methods and, where appropriate, the type of acts, through which the project manager carries out...

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Companies, Financial, Equity Markets, AIM Italia, Borsa Italiana’s market dedicated to small and medium-sized Italian companies, Aim IPO records, market value and trade

An Envent study on the 2017 list of SMEs. At the end of the year, capitalization rose to € 5.6 billion 2017 was a record year for the AIM of the Italian Stock Exchange in terms of IPOs, market value and trade thanks above all to the effect of the Pir. This is what emerges from the report drawn up by the Envent research and analysis team on 2017 concerning the Aim Italia and Aim Uk markets. Last year the Aim reached a total of 95 companies (now climbed to 97 with the quotations last week of Spaxs and Alp.I) by virtue of...

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Companies, Ferrari, Buy back, Purchase of own shares in several tranches up to 100 million euro

Ferrari launches a buyback of up to 100 million euros The program will involve the repurchase in several tranches of ordinary shares for a maximum amount of 100 million euro. The timing of the plan will depend on market conditions and the company has specified that it is not obliged to execute it. Ferrari plans to launch a share buyback plan for up to 100 million euros. This was announced by La Rossa, stating that "the program will involve the repurchase in several tranches of ordinary shares for a maximum amount of 100 million euro. The timing of the plan will depend on market conditions...

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Administrative law, Organism under public law, Contracts of Public Administration, Code of Public Contracts, Entrusting of Sub-Concession Areas, Dispute, Jurisdiction Administrative Judge, TAR Lazio, Section III, November 30th 2017 n. 11841

... .. of Roma spa, as a body governed by public law, is subject to the provisions of the Code of Public Contracts, with the consequence that it falls within the jurisdiction of the administrative court the dispute concerning the procedure by the same bidding for sub-concession of areas for the realization and management of premises for "........" activities at the airports ... .. of Fiumicino and ... ..... of Ciampino. He recalled the Tar that the art. 3, paragraph 1, lett. d), of the new Code of contracts have identified the characteristics of "bodies governed by public law", of strict...

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Environment, Environmental Protection, Sustainable Development, Italy-China Collaboration, business platform and networking for environmental technology, Chinese market opportunities in the green economy sector

As part of the Italy-China Environmental Protection Collaboration, the Italian Ministry of Environment and Territorial Cooperation Italy-China Environmental Protection and Sea Protection promotes the participation of Italian companies in the green economy at the Italian Pavilion of IE EXPO China 2018 - Trade Fair for Environmental Technology Solutions, to be held from May 3 to 5 in Shanghai. All interested companies are invited to submit their application for participation, according to the times and procedures indicated here. Participation in the fair is free with the provision of a stand for each company present. The companies will be presented in a dedicated brochure...

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