
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 27)

Environment, Companies, New growth opportunities, LIFE Program, EU funding dedicated exclusively to the environment, nature conservation and climate action

Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/210 of 12 February 2018 With the Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/210 of 12 February 2018, the LIFE Multi-Year Work Program for the period 2018-2020 (MAWP 2018-2010) was adopted, taking into account recent updates in EU policy, such as the "circular economy action plan" and the "action plan for nature, citizens and the economy". The document specifies how, over the next three years, the LIFE program - the only EU funding instrument dedicated exclusively to the environment, nature conservation and climate action - will guide applicants towards strategic priorities of the EU, will divide its overall budget (amounting to EUR...

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Companies, Smart & Start Italy, innovative start-ups throughout Italy, facilitations aimed at supporting birth and development, Ministerial circular 14 February 2018, n. 102159 Mise

Modifications and additions The circular introduces some changes and additions to the ministerial circular December 10, 2014, n. 68032 laying down the criteria and methods for granting subsidies aimed at supporting the creation and development of innovative start-ups throughout Italy. The press release relating to the circular was published in the Official Gazette no. 42 of 20 February 2018. Source Ministry of Economic Development   Circolare-14-02-2018-n-102159 Mise Testo-aggiornato-Circolare-10-dicembre-2014-n68032...

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Companies, National Business Plan 4.0, 2017 Results and Actions for 2018

Minister Carlo Calenda in Turin presented the results for 2017 and the actions for 2018 of the National Business Plan 4.0 He opened the proceedings, moderated by Andrea Cabrini (CNBC Class), the Minister of Economy and Finance, Pier Carlo Padoan. The President of the Council of Ministers, Paolo Gentiloni, closed the meeting. The presentation took place at the Officine Grandi Riparazioni (OGR), the new hub dedicated to creativity, innovation and business acceleration. One year after the introduction of Business Plan 4.0, I share the budget with you. Here are some data from the monitoring analysis that you can find on the website of the Ministry...

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Financial, Stock Exchange, Corporate governance of Italian listed companies

Evidence regarding ownership structures, corporate bodies, meetings and transactions with related parties. The 2017 Report also analyzes the issues of transparency on non-financial information in Italy and board diversity in the main European countries. Consob report on corporate governance of Italian listed companies for 2017 The corporate governance of Italian listed companies Control models and ownership structures The evidence relating to the 230 companies listed on the MTA at the end of 2016 confirm the net prevalence of issuers (around 7 cases out of 10) in whose shareholders there is a reference shareholder (of absolute majority or relative capital). Among the non-controlled companies, there was...

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Financial, Stock Exchange, European listed non-financial companies, Non-bank institutional investors

The presence of non-bank institutional investors in the top 100 European listed non-financial companies in each of the five European countries considered France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom Summary of the work The work analyzes the factors that determine the participation of non-bank institutional investors in the top 100 listed companies in each of the five European countries considered (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom) in the period 2010-2015. On the basis of the empirical literature, the analysis verifies the impact on the choices of institutional investors of macroeconomic factors, relevant to the characteristics of the reference country, and...

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Infrastructures, Maritime and Railway Transport, Environment, Business and Sustainable Development, Venice, one of the main hubs of the European Core Corridor Network TEN-T

Development of the country's entire logistics system The objective is to increase the transport of goods by rail, through the upgrading of the national railway network, the adaptation to international standards, the improvement of the connectivity of the ports with the other interchange infrastructures, the international crossings and the lines that are part of the TEN corridors. T " The railway connections of our port are in fact read for their usefulness not only locally, but towards the entire Country System and its productive and manufacturing fabric Joint working group to identify strengthening interventions The care of the iron also arrives in the ports...

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Infrastructures, Maritime transport and Integrated Logistics, Environment, Businesses and Sustainable Development, Italy Europe’s gateway to the Mediterranean, The new Italian port system, 15 New Adsp

The 15 New Port System Authorities are the nodes of a logistic network that integrates maritime, terrestrial and air transport, in continuity with the TEN-T Corridors that connect Italy to Europe, from the Baltic to the Atlantic, and to the networks of the Mediterranean A strategic asset to support Italy's role as a gateway to Europe on the Mediterranean, facilitating the transport of goods and passengers and creating jobs and economic development The transport system serving businesses and passengers is more organized, intelligent and efficient Investments of € 450 million a year The innovations introduced by the recent port and logistics reform The recent Reform...

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Infrastructure and Transportation, Environment, Business and Sustainable Development, Scandinavian Corridor – Mediterranean, Corridor of the Brenner, by 2027 complete modal shift of goods, Brenner Meeting Monaco

Programming and change, Strengthening of logistic corridor structures Promotion of rail transport, with incentives, analysis of costs and benefits and how to discourage the use of rubber with respect to iron Work method that has given rise to specific work groups Minister Delrio took part in the Brenner Meeting Monaco, the European traffic summit along the Brenner axis, organized by the Coordinator of the EU's Scandinavian-Mediterranean Corridor, Pat Cox, which was held in Munich. "I think it's a great day because a joint working method is established where decisions are taken together. A working method that we must continue, also with the upcoming events of...

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