Industrial and Intellectual Property, Unfair Confusionary Competition and Counterfeiting of the Registered Trademark, Milan Court, Fourteenth Section, Companies Court, Judgment no. 2622 of March 19, 2021
Art. 125 c.p.i Passim Counterfeiting of trademarks and acts of confusing unfair competition, request for inhibition of the use of distinctive signs, order to withdraw from the market and destruction of all products marked by them, establishment of a penalty, publication of the sentence, and request for compensation of all pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage. For the purposes of settling the damage, the rule that must be applied is the provision referred to in art. 125 c.p.i., which provides that the compensation due to the injured party is paid according to the provisions of art. 1223, 1226 and 1227, Civil Code, having to take...
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