
Administrative, Building, Free Building Activities, Main Works that can be carried out without any Qualifying Title, Decree 2 March 2018, Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport in agreement with the Ministry for Simplification and Public Administration

Waiting for the completion of the Single Glossary With the Decree of 2 March 2018 of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport in agreement with the Ministry for Simplification and Public Administration, Given the decree of the President of the Republic 6 June 2001, n. 380, on the "Consolidation Act of the laws and regulations on building (text A)" and subsequent amendments and, in particular, art. 6; Given the legislative decree 25 November 2016, n. 222, on "Identification of procedures subject to authorization, Certified reporting of the start of activities (SCIA), silent consent and communication and definition of the administrative arrangements applicable...

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Administrative, Contracts of the Public Administration, Availment, Content, Identification, Cons. St., sect. III, 04 April 2018 n. 2102

Determinability or possibility of reconstructing the commitments undertaken by the auxiliary company, by means of an overall reading of the avail- ability contract In terms of availing, the commitments made by the auxiliary company, in order to corroborate on a substantial level the loan of the requirement (and avoid that it is reduced to a declaration of commitment purely formal and unsuitable to guarantee the contracting station in terms of soundness financial condition of the auxiliary competitor), must be, if not determined, at least determinable, or reconstructable through an overall reading of the contract of availment (1). Clarified the Section - in...

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Banking and Financial, Italian Bond Markets, Italian and International Investors, Star Conference, Meeting with 67 Companies

270 investors present at the Conference representing 170 investment funds - Over 2500 meetings required - 270 investors present representing 170 investment funds for 65% foreign Launch of the 17th edition of the STAR Conference, the annual event dedicated to the meeting with Italian and international investors. Today and tomorrow 67 companies listed on the STAR segment will be the protagonists of the over 2500 meetings requested, with an average of 39 meetings per company. 270 investors representing 170 investment funds are present at the Conference, of which 35% are domestic and 65% foreign (Italy 35%, France 14%, Switzerland 13%, UK 13%, Germany 5%, Spain...

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Enterprises, Industry 4.0, Technology Transfer Centers, published the regulation

The regulation for the certification of technology transfer centers in the Industry 4.0 area is online, as per the Directorial Decree of 22 December 2017, approved by resolution of the Executive Committee of Unioncamere n. 15 of February 14, 2018. These centers carry out training and technological consultancy activities, as well as the provision of technology transfer services to companies in the areas of operation identified by the Ministry of Economic Development, including: additive manufacturing augmented reality internet of things cloud cybersecurity big data analysis. The certification will be issued by Unioncamere, pending the accreditation of the national certification bodies referred to in paragraph 2 of the art....

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Criminal law of the Company, Omitted payment of taxes, changed penalty threshold, Court of Cassation, III Criminal Section, Judgment n. 10810 of 12/03/2018

Article 10-bis of Legislative Decree no. 74 of 2000 and art. 10-ter of Legislative Decree no. 74 of 2000 Essential lines of the arguments While the phenomenon of the succession of criminal laws over time generally concerns the subsequent modification of an incriminating rule that may concern either the abstract legal case, that is to say the precept, or the discipline of the abstract legal case, namely the sanctioning treatment, as well as the accidental elements of the crime such as the circumstances foreseen by rules other than the offense or, finally, the abstract legal case and at the same time its...

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Companies, Private, EU Regulations during 2018, Criptovalute, Consob Communication

Consob Communication on ESMA, EBA and EIOPA warn consumers about the risks of cryptocurrencies The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the European Banking Authority (EBA) and the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) (collectively the "three European Supervisory Authorities") ), warn consumers about the risks associated with the purchase and / or holding of so-called cryptocurrencies. The cryptocurrencies currently available are a digital representation of value, they are neither issued nor guaranteed by central banks or other public authorities and do not have the legal status of currency or money. They are instruments at high risk and generally are not guaranteed by...

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Companies, Franchising, Italian Excellence, Trend, Sector for over 24 billion euros

Franchising takes flight Desire for self-entrepreneurship On the one hand there are companies and brands known (franchisor), other entrepreneurs (franchisees). This combination has given life to a sector that invests, in Italy alone, over 24 billion euros The Italian franchise flies. This is supported by data from the latest Report by the Federfranchising Confesercenti Observatory, released during the 2018 annual meeting: a successful business formula, which in 2017 generated total revenues of 24.2 billion euros (+ 0.9%) compared to 2016). Results obtained thanks to the expansion of the network in Italy: the active franchisors (in practice, companies) in 2017 were 977 (+ 2.7%) and franchisees affiliated...

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Financial, MiFID II: information obligations of intermediaries, Consob Communication no. 0056318 of 1-3-2018

Recent regulatory developments On 3 January 2018 the amendments made to the TUF by Legislative Decree no. 129 of 3 August 2017, with which the Directive 2014/65 / EU (so-called MiFID II) and the Delegated Directive (EU) 2017/593 (so-called Delegated Directive) and with which the domestic legislation was adapted to Regulation (EU) no. 600/2014 (c.d. MiFIR). From the same date, the Delegated Regulations are also directly applicable in the Member States, containing provisions that complement and implement in detail the principles and provisions contained in the primary European sources, including, in particular, the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2017 / 565 (which "complements Directive...

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