
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 8)

European Boating Industry, Mission and strategies in the years 2022 – 2025

“Made in Europe” Sustainability, Changing Consumer Trends and Digitization The General Assembly of European Boating Industry (EBI), the association that represents and promotes the yachting industry in Europe and of which Confindustria Nautica is a member, was held in Brussels last January. During the event, some important decisions were made for the future of the European association: a new strategy for the period 2022 - 2025, centered on the mission "Promote and represent a sustainable industry of boating and nautical tourism #MadeInEurope" and accompanied by a rebranding that leads to the adoption of a new logo. EBI will therefore focus its actions on the...

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ECB, Inflation,

"Monetary policy must take into account both the short and medium-term forces that shape inflationary dynamics. In line with its new monetary policy strategy, it should be clear that the ECB will set its monetary policy in order to achieve the symmetrical target of 2% in the medium term, tolerating neither excessive nor insufficient reactions to emerging inflation risks ". This was stated by the chief economist of the ECB, Philip Lane, in his speech to the Mini Market News Webcast. "In particular, if medium-term inflationary dynamics are expected to stabilize around the 2% target - he explained - this will...

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USA, industrial stocks increasing in November 2021

Stocks of industry in the US grow in November. According to what was communicated by the US Bureau of Census, there was an increase of 1.3% to 2,158.2 billion dollars in line with what analysts estimated and after + 1.3% the previous month (figure revised by a + 1.2%). On an annual basis there was an increase of 8.7%. In the same period, sales were up 0.7% on a monthly basis to $ 1,723.7 billion. On an annual basis, there is a positive change of 17.6% compared to October 2020. The stocks/sales ratio has attested at 1.25. In November 2020 it was 1.35. Such...

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Bei, the EU’s real gross domestic product (GDP) and investment returned to pre-pandemic levels in less than two years.

Investments in the European Union are picking up as social and geographical inequalities grow Investments in Europe: an unprecedented shock and a rapid rebound in investment supported by public intervention. The support targeted the short-term liquidity gap created by the crisis, but not the "zombie" firms that were already financially weak. Policy support has been a stepping stone to transformation: Companies have reactivated their investment plans, started digitizing and are preparing to invest in greentech. However, the economic shock of COVID-19 has amplified the existing geographic and social inequalities. The COVID-19 shock demonstrated the power of policy. The quick rebound of investment in Europe (excluding...

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Companies, SMEs, Export and Internationalization

The new service will start from China, India and Japan Italian companies, especially SMEs, have a new tool at their disposal to create business opportunities and get in touch with companies in the main foreign markets, starting with China, India and Japan. The CDP Group and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation have launched Business Matching, the new digital platform which, thanks to a matchmaking algorithm, favors the development of commercial relations between Italian and foreign companies based on their characteristics and needs. The first weeks after launch will be dedicated to enriching the database, accepting registrations and implementing business objectives....

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Financial, Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena and Sace Partnership to finance SMEs

A particular focus on Agrifood supply chains to accompany the sustainable transition With this agreement, BMPS continues its territorial specialization path started with the creation of the Agroalimentare and AgevolaPiù centers. SACE intervenes with green guarantees for up to 80% of the loans disbursed by Banca MPS to help companies in their sustainable transformation processes, in line with the guidelines of the PNRR. Strengthen the commitment to sustainable development in Italy through a new line of financing dedicated to the green projects of companies. With these objectives, SACE and Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena sign a partnership to support SMEs and Small...

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Industrial Property, Trademark, Communion of Trademarks, Exclusive Concession to Third Parties, Civil Cassation, Section I, Interlocutory Ordinance n. 30749 of 10/29/2021

Trademark - Communion of the trademark - Exclusive concession to third parties, free of charge and for an indefinite period, of the common trademark - Majority or unanimity of the concession - Question - Subsequent possibility of the co-owner of the trademark from the decision to grant the common trademark exclusively previously unanimously assumed - Configurability. The First Civil Section of this Court, on the basis of Articles 267 Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union and 295 of the Code of Civil Procedure, asked the Court of Justice of the European Union to give a preliminary ruling on the...

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Public Administration Contracts, Concession of public land, Penalty clause for non-fulfillment or delay, Civil Cassation, Section III, Interlocutory Ordinance no. 24704 of 09/14/2021

The Third Civil Section has handed over the documents to the First President for the possible assignment of the case to the United Sections regarding the resolution of the conflict that has arisen, regarding the concession of public land by public bodies to private individuals, if the application of a penalty clause for non-fulfillment or delay in accessing the authoritative title, may be based on mere unilateral adherence to a regulation or must be transfused into a deed signed by the concessionaire. Source Supreme Court of Cassation...

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Companies, Audiovisual systems, Protection of assets unrelated to the employment relationship, Civil Cassation, Section IV, Judgment n. 25732 of 09/22/2021

Protection of assets unrelated to the employment relationship or to avoid illegal behavior Art. 4 of the l. n. 300 of 1970 With reference to art. 4 of the l. n. 300 of 1970 - as amended by articles 23, paragraph 1, of the legislative decree n. 151 of 2015, and 5, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 185 of 2016 - the Labor Section stated that controls, including technological controls, put in place by the employer aimed at protecting assets unrelated to the employment relationship or at avoiding unlawful conduct are allowed, in the presence of a well-founded suspicion about the...

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