
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 6)

Bank contracts, Mortgage loan, Fundability limit, Essential element, Rule on the setting of the limit, Nature, Civil Cassation, United Sections, Judgment n. 33719 of 11/16/2022

Article 38, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of 1993. Mortgage loan - Financing limit pursuant to art. 38, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of 1993 - Essential element of the land loan - Exclusion - Foundation - Rule on the fixing of the limit - Mandatory nature - Exclusion - Reasons. The United Civil Sections, deciding on a matter of contrast and of principle of particular importance, affirmed: that in terms of land loans, the limit of financeability pursuant to art. 38, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 385 of 1993, is not an essential element of the...

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Joint-stock company, Demerger project, Civil Cassation, First Section, Interlocutory Ordinance no. 32365 of 11/03/2022

Company - Joint stock companies - Demerger project - Joint and several liability of the beneficiary companies pursuant to art. 2506 bis, paragraph 3 of the Italian Civil Code - Liabilities with destination not deducible from the project - Liability for environmental damage - Harmful consequences that cannot be determined at the time of the demerger and occurred after the same - Inclusion among the liability items - Compatibility with art. 3 of the VI Council Directive 82/8912 / EEC - Referral for a preliminary ruling to the EU Court of Justice. The First Civil Section ordered the preliminary referral to...

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Urban planning, Need for public evidence in the selection of the settlement area of ​​the only provincial shopping center, Council of State, Sixth Section, judgment 6 October 2022 no. 8564

Town planning - Location - Administrative procedure - Administrative justice - Active legitimacy - Administrative act - Validation Appeal of the sentence of the T.r.g.a. - Autonomous Section of the Province of Bolzano - n. 00157/2019. The area on which to set up the only shopping center of provincial importance must be chosen following a prior setting of criteria and selection methods to guarantee compliance with the principles of advertising and transparency as well as the level playing field of competing subjects in the presentation of the their "candidacies"; the selection of the area requires the use of forms of public evidence. The...

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Contracts, Interpretation, Civil Cassation, Second Section, Judgment n. 27186 of 09/15/2022

With regard to the interpretation of contracts, the investigation into the common will of the contracting parties must be conducted along the lines of the literal meaning of the expressions used and the identification of the rationale of the contractual precept, outlined in Article 1362 of the Italian Civil Code. In fact, this Court affirmed the principle (see Court of Cassation No. 25840 of 2014), which must be reiterated here, according to which said provision of the code requires the interpreter of the contract to reconstruct in the first place the will of the parties: to this must start from the...

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Italy, GDP, second quarter 2022

In the second quarter of 2022 it is estimated that the gross domestic product (GDP), expressed in chain-linked values ​​with the reference year 2015, corrected for calendar effects and seasonally adjusted, increased by 1% compared to the previous quarter and by 4.6 % in trend terms. The second quarter of 2022 had one less working day than both the previous quarter and the second quarter of 2021. The cyclical change is the synthesis of a decrease in added value in the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector and an increase in both industry and services. On the demand side, there is a positive contribution...

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PNRR, Resource Allocation, Over 1.8 billion euros of cultural investments, Ministry of Culture

Online the decrees for the allocation of resources for energy efficiency in cinemas, theaters and museums; for the attractiveness of the villages; for the recovery of historic parks and gardens; for seismic adaptation of religious buildings, towers and bell towers; for the restoration he asked FEC The Ministry of Culture has achieved all the PNRR objectives set for June 30th. The decrees for the allocation of 1.8 billion euros to improve the energy efficiency of 274 cinemas, 348 theaters and 120 museums are now online; for the attractiveness of 310 villages (line A + line B); for the enhancement of 134 historic...

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Cinema, Film Industry, Supply Chain, Quality and Quantity of Italian and non-Italian products

Latest edition of Ciné (Riccione 5-8 July) President of the ANICA Producers Union: focus on quality to fill salt "The last edition of Ciné (Riccione 5-8 July), an event promoted by ANICA in collaboration with ANEC, in which the different realities of the film industry meet, was an opportunity to reiterate once again the importance of the product for the enhancement of the entire supply chain. The return of Italian masters, genre films and the arrival of major international productions is already producing positive effects; theaters are filling up again and closing the gap compared to 2019, the last pre-pandemic year. Compared to June...

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Cinema, Senate, Motions, Cinemas and Platforms, Temporary windows of permanence, Mic

Window system will be extended to all films, Italian and foreign, no longer just to beneficiaries of public funding Decree of the Ministry of Culture "It is important that the Senate chamber has given a strong and determined impetus to government action on the issue of the cinema crisis: cinemas are important cultural sites that it is right to protect. It is also significant that there has been substantial agreement in the various motions on whether the regulation of time windows needs to be improved, i.e. how long films must stay in theaters before going to a platform and that there is...

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75th Cannes Film Festival, Cinema and Audiovisual excellence of “Made in Italy”, Anica

"The great creative and productive capacity of Italian cinema and audiovisuals are now under everyone's eyes and the economic impact and the impact on work and GDP represent one of the engines of recovery". This is what the president of ANICA underlines, at the conclusion of the Italian collective participation in the 75th Cannes Film Festival, an initiative resulting from the collaboration between Maeci, Ice Agenzia, Cinecittà, Anica, the national association of audiovisual and digital film industries, the Management General Cinema and Audiovisual of the MiC. "From abroad - he observes - we look at the Italian audiovisual sector as one of...

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National and International Film Production, Selected Projects, Emilia-Romagna Region

The film and audiovisual projects selected and subsidized by the Emilia-Romagna Region following two calls issued in December 2021 dedicated to regional, national and international productions were disclosed. To access the tender, the total production costs had to be equal to or higher than 4 million and the eligible expenses in the area equal to or greater than one million. The call for regional companies supports 9 projects: 4 documentaries, 1 cinematographic work, 1 television work and 3 short films. For the call reserved for national and international film production, 12 projects out of the 39 presented will be subsidized. 07 June 2022 Source Mia International...

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