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US Industry, October 2023 Industrial Production.

US, October industrial production -0.6% m/m, manufacturing -0.7%. Industrial production in the United States was worse than expected and, in October 2023, recorded a negative variation of 0.6% on a monthly basis, after the variation of +0.1% in the previous month (data revised from a preliminary estimate of + 0.3%) and compared to the -0.3% expected by analysts. On an annual basis there was a decrease of 0.7%. Manufacturing production recorded a decline of 0.7% (-0.3% consensus expectations) which compares with + 0.2% in September (data revised from a preliminary of + 0.4%). Over the same period, capacity utilization relative to all industrial sectors decreased to 78.9%, lower...

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Copyright, Generic professional qualifications, Music consultant for television broadcasts, Civil Court of Cassation, Labor Section, Interlocutory Ordinance no. 28928 of 10/18/2023

Legal qualification, Cass. n. 21829/01 Passim Functional activity for the creation of a show Entertainment workers belonging to the second group, that is, according to Cass. 21829/01, workers with generic professional qualifications - in this case musical arrangers/consultants for some television broadcasts - whose activity is however functional to the creation of a show. The figure of musical arrangers/consultants does not fall into any of these categories, instead being part of the second group of entertainment workers, as mentioned above. The special rule, aimed at reducing litigation, evidently concerning only workers in categories 1-14, cannot be applied beyond its scope, and therefore remains irrelevant in...

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Italian manufacturing industry, Industry 5.0, market trends recorded from 2022 to the first months of the current year with forecasts on the overall trend for 2023

Industrial factory and process automation Observatory of the Italian automation industry 2023 Very positive photograph of the Industrial Factory and Process Automation sector which saw growth in terms of turnover of 22% compared to the previous year in 2022, leaving behind the unexpected difficulties that began in 2020" - states the President of Anie Automation. Having overcome and capitalized on the discontinuities that have shaken the sector in recent years, the Italian manufacturing industry is now experiencing the beginning of a new era also prompted by the indications of the European Commission which want an evolution of the now consolidated "Industry 4.0" model...

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Industrial Property, Patents, Trademarks and Start-up Financing

A new study finds that start-ups that own patents and trademarks are 10 times more successful in raising funding. Ownership of intellectual property (IP) rights improves start-ups' ability to raise funds, particularly for deep tech sectors with higher capital needs. The biotechnology sector leads the way in the use of patents and trademarks, with almost half of the sector's start-ups aiming to obtain these essential rights. The highest numbers of start-ups submitting patent and trademark applications are recorded in Austria, Switzerland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Finland, France and Italy. Munich, 17 October 2023 – The European Patent Office (EPO) and the European Union Intellectual...

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Intellectual Property, Copyright; Creative act, Protection of intellectual property, Court of Florence 19 May 2023

Art. 1 LDA and art. 2575 c.c. The copyright law does not ensure the protection of simple ideas, information, opinions and theories expressed in the work (as also clarified in art. 9, paragraph 2 of the TRIPS Agreement, in art. 2, n. 8 L. n. 633/41 and in DCE nos. 1991/250 and 1996/9, respectively on the subject of computer programs and databases), but only to the related expressive forms, i.e. to their external concretization, understood as representation in the external world of a content of ideas, facts, sensations, reasoning, feelings, so that the intellectual work is protected only as an expression,...

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Corporate, Merger by incorporation, Circulation of shares, Court of Florence 29 May 2023

Hypothesis of transfer of shareholdings by merger By virtue of the principle of free transferability of shareholdings, any exception to the free circulation dictated by the statute for inter vivos transfers cannot be extended analogically to the case in which the transfer derives from the transmission of shareholdings by merger, following the transfer of the same from the incorporated shareholder to the third party incorporating. Source: Business Law Michele Greggio    ...

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Administrative, Cultural, landscape and environmental heritage, Superintendency, Landscape authorization, Silence assent, Council State, Sec. IV, 02 October 2023 Judgment no. 8610

On the applicability of silent consent referred to in art. 17-bis l. n. 241 of 1990 also to the opinion given by the Superintendence Section IV highlighted that: a) the institution of horizontal silence assent is also applicable to the opinion of the Superintendence; b) the opinion of the Superintendence given late in the context of a services conference is tamquam non esset; c) the text of the law, especially when formulated through the so-called technique for analytical cases, provides the measure of judicial discretion; it, as has been authoritatively observed, represents the fixed point from which it is necessary to move on in...

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Administrative, Public health, Accreditation, Motivation, Selective procedure, TAR Napoli, section I, 08 May 2023 Judgment n. 2806

On the reasons for the denial of accreditation Since the accreditation attributes to its holder a competitive function of added value compared to other private operators, the denial of the relevant application cannot be based only on the detected saturation of the requirement, given that this saturation may depend on completely temporary contingencies and cease shortly after the denial, allowing the acceptance of a similar request subsequently presented by another operator; a periodically renewed evaluation is therefore necessary and open to comparison, between those who are already accredited and those who aspire to be so (1). Compliant: T.a.r. for Sicily, Catania, sec....

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Industrial property, Use of the trademark, Civil Cassation, First Section, Order n. 15903 of 06/06/2023

Art. 24 of the Italian Criminal Code. Use of the trademark and the Court of Justice 11 March 2003, Ansul, C‐40/01, par. 43 Passim The art. 24, paragraph 3, IPC provides that, except in the case of rights acquired on the trademark from third parties with filing or use, revocation cannot be enforced if between the expiry of the five-year period of non-use and the filing of the application or objection to revocation 'genuine use' of the trade mark has begun or resumed. As taught by the Court of Justice regarding the revocation of the trademark for non-use, in verifying the "genuine use"...

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Intellectual Property, Copyright; Exercise of the economic exploitation rights of the cinematographic work, Civil Cassation, First Section, Ordinance n. 14596 of 05/25/2023

Article 45 of the Law Passim Reiterated the following principle of law (already stated by Court of Cassation n. 14117 of 2023): «In terms of intellectual property, art. 45 of the LdA, in providing that the "producer" is entitled to exercise the rights of economic use of the cinematographic work, establishes a presumption that is valid until proven otherwise, assuming that the "producer" ensures in advance from the authors (of the "subject" , of the "screenplay" and of the "music") the cinematographic exploitation rights of the work for the entire duration of the right of economic use due to the author, in...

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