
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 32)

Banking and Financial, Start up Incubator, presentation of eight new startups in the insurance fintech

Digital Magics presents eight new startups in the insurance fintech. The stock reacts positively and rises to 8.8 euros, with trade also on warrants. The Magic Wand program that will start in a week is supported, among other things, by large banks, starting from Intesa Sanpaolo, BNL, Sella lab and Poste Italiane group. The relative majority shareholder in the incubator, Tamburi Investment Partners, in maneuver on the stock. In a session with the index always upward, it was distinguished, especially for the trade on the warrant (+3.7), Digital Magics, the startup incubator, whose stock rose 3.8% to 8, 8, euro, which compares...

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Industrial and intellectual property, Start-ups and innovative SMEs, Opinion of the General Manager Mise of 2 January 2018, requirement of industrial property rights

Opinion to private, 2 January 2018, prot. 513 The opinion states that the so-called ornamental models, although envisaged by the ICC, do not fall within the definition of a property right by the regulations concerning start-ups and SMEs. Industrial and intellectual property Source Ministry of Economic Development parere mise del 02 gennaio 2018 modello_ornamentale_PMI  ...

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Company, Organization, business productivity, smart working formula or agile work

Smart working, Ferrero extends the pilot project to 350 employees After the positive results of the first test phase, which involved 100 workers, the Alba company will allow another 250 employees to work from home one day a week. Work from home at least one day a week instead of going to the office. It is the so-called smart working or agile work. In Italy there are already many large companies involved. 250 thousand "smart" workers, according to data from the Milan Polytechnic Observatory. A number destined to grow, as shown by the choice of Ferrero. The company, which had launched a pilot project for...

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Financial, Ftse Italia Brands, New index on the Italian stock exchange, € 110 billion of market capitalization, not only the typical characteristics of investability (capitalization, free float, liquidity) but above all intangible assets such as perception of the brand and distinctive positioning with respect to competitors

Ftse Italia Brands, the made in Italy team at Piazza Affari. A new index is born in the Italian Stock Exchange which includes the 22 listed companies included in the Italian Listed Brands window, and already included in the Ftse Italia All-Share. To characterize and share the stocks chosen by industrial and financial analysts, both Italian and international, there are not only the typical characteristics of investability (capitalization, floating, liquidity) but above all intangible assets such as brand perception and distinctive positioning with respect to competitors. There are two sectors of greater weight in the new index, the automotive and personal...

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Industry, Research and Innovation, Italian Startup, 75 million record sales from the US and agreements in progress with other countries, the sustainable railway that produces energy, “the will to do business”

Greenrail was invented, a railway cross made of tires and recycled plastic, which reduces maintenance costs, noise and vibrations. And that in addition generates clean electricity to the passage of trains. He is Giovanni De Lisi, 29, from Palermo: «After joining the Faculty of Law, I understood that I did not want to be a lawyer, but an entrepreneur. My father has a railway construction company and I asked him to work on his behalf. Instead of giving me a desk, he sent me to the construction site. I started working as a construction worker from below: I was responsible...

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Environment, Environmental pollution, Preventive penal seizure, Court of Cassation, Third Criminal Section, Judgment n. 52436 of 16/11/2017

In terms of environmental pollution, to integrate the "fumus" of the crime of damage as per art. 452-bis cod. pen. for the purpose of issuing a preventive seizure order, it is necessary to ascertain the existence of a high likelihood of impairment or significant deterioration of the protected assets, in consideration of the nature and duration of the abusive discharges, Conform, Cass 3 sez . 15865 of 31.01.2017, filed on 30.03.2017, Cass 3 sez n. 10515 of 27.10.2016, filed 03.03.2017. Source Supreme Court of Cassation    ...

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Banking and Financial, ACF, College, Arbitrator for Financial Disputes, Rome, Decision no. 88 of 25 October 2017, subscription of shares of real estate fund, ascertainment of grounds for invalidity of the framework contract pursuant to art. 23 TUF and 1418 c.c.

DONE In the appeal, examined together with the complaint and the attached documentation, the applicant reports that it had signed in December 1998 n. 21 units of a closed-end real estate fund placed by the intermediary, for a value of ITL 214,200,000. The value of these shares at December 31, 2016 was reduced to € 34,422.57. The applicant complains that the intermediary acted in a conflict of interest and that it did not provide it with adequate information, in particular with regard to the duration of the investment, which would not have been compatible with her age and family situation, both...

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Banking and Financial, Italian Bond Markets, Corporate Bonds, new features, strengths

MOT The MOT was established in 1994 to facilitate the access of the private investor to the bond market and to make the efficiency of professional investors more efficient by offering them an electronic and fully automated trading system from the phase of entering the trading proposal until the liquidation of the contract executed. The MOT market has recorded constant growth, also due to the increasing number of connected operators (either directly or through interconnection), such as to position itself firmly in first place in Europe in terms of contracts and traded countervalue. ExtraMOT ExtraMOT, the multilateral trading system, saw the light in...

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M & A, Banking and Finance, the transformation of the company into a pure holding company paves the way for possible extraordinary operations

The transformation of Autogrill into a pure holding company, after the effective transfer from January 1 of the Italian, European and services to three new ad hoc companies (next to the already existing fourth, HMS Host, which follows the international and northern business America), paves the way for possible extraordinary operations. Both Mediobanca Securities and Banca Imi pointed this out this morning. In detail, the first broker confirmed the outperform judgment with a target price of € 12.2, stating: "Nothing is taken for granted, but we believe that a company with only participation functions could be merged more easily with another...

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Environment, the Italian Atlas of the circular economy is born, Ministry of Environment

On 5 December 2017, in Rome, the Italian Atlas of the Circular Economy was presented, an interactive map continuously updated, which collects Italian experiences of circular economy, in order to make them known and usable free of charge to citizens and to promote collaboration and the construction of "circular" supply chains among economic actors that orient their activities to principles of sustainability and circularity. At each point on the map corresponds a card that summarizes the history and characteristics of the individual realities. The Italian Atlas of the Circular Economy is an interactive web platform that records and recounts the experiences...

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