
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 22)

Environment, Companies, Banking, Climate Change and Agenda 2030, Framework Agreement

Cassa Depositi e Prestiti With the aim of following up the commitments foreseen by the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Agenda 2030, on 4 May 2018 the Director General for Sustainable Development, for environmental damage and for relations with the European Union and the International Bodies, Francesco La Camera and Dr. Antonella Baldino, Chief Business Officer of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, signed a framework agreement for the establishment of a common platform called Climate & Sustainable Development Italian Platform ", with the aim to support projects and initiatives to mitigate and adapt to climate change, primarily in developing countries...

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Administrative, Contracts of the Public Administration, Exclusion from the tender, irregular Durc, Cons. St., sect. V, sentence 26 April 2018 n. 2527

Contracts of the Public Administration - Exclusion from the tender - Irregular durc - Immediate exclusion - Irregular irregularity of an auxiliary company - Article 89, paragraph 3 of Legislative Decree no. 50 of 2016 - Regularization of the auxiliary company - Limits. Compensation for damages - Contracts of the Public Administration - Damage of favorable chance loss - Quantification criterion. Pursuant to art. 89, paragraph 3, legislative decree 18 April 2016, n. 50, the principle, according to which the contracting authority that, upon verification of the possession of the declared requisites, receives from the social security agency communication of irregular durc...

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Companies, Financial, Stock Exchange, Italian eyewear, World Primacy, 90% Export for 3.7 billion euros total

The Italian eyewear sector is confirmed as the first in the world, above all thanks to exports. With a largely inactive trade balance (2,484 million euro for the export-import balance), Italy also confirms its leadership in the global eyewear sector in 2017. A success largely achieved thanks to exports, for which 90% of production is destined, for a total of 3.7 billion euro, with a growth of + 3.2% (2017), according to the latest data from Anfao (National Association) Manufacturers of Optical Articles). The most "loyal" glasses made in Italy? Europeans and Americans, which respectively account for 50% and 31.5% of the sector's...

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Companies, Financial, Stock Exchange, Funds, Mechanics, Italian Excellence, Total turnover of over 46 billion euros

Italian factory, Innovation, Boosted by Industry 4.0, Business Integrations Among the strongest sectors in the sector we find those of hydraulics and hydraulics Mechanics has always been the driving force of Italian industry. And the hydraulic and hydraulic pumps sector represents a real excellence thanks to the push of the Interpump colossus With a total turnover of over 46 billion euro, for more than 210 thousand employees (data Anima-Federation of the National Associations of Mechanical Industry varies and similar), mechanics is confirmed the flagship of Italian industry, thanks also to the boost given by Industry 4.0, industrial automation linked to the "digital revolution". Among the...

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Financial, Stock Exchange, ATFund, Funds, Listed Open Funds, big opportunities, “private” dimension

ATFund is the Borsa Italiana market dedicated to trading open listed funds. ATFund guarantees efficiency, transparency and ease of access and negotiation to investors in collective asset management instruments. Purchase the funds directly on the price list without going through the network In the long run, the reduction of costs can improve the return on investment. "The magic of compounding" And essential lines by Giuseppe Ganci, Chief Investment Officer. Benefits offered by the listing of funds: "It gives us access to a large audience of investors, to whom we offer lower costs and quality in management; the cut is quite "private": the funds are at the service of...

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Companies, Agri-food sector, Transparency of agri-food markets, single commissions established, Directorial decrees of 19/04/2018

With the directorial decrees of the Ministry of agricultural policies, together with the Ministry of Economic Development of 19 April, the first 5 Single National Commissions - CUN were established, relating to some of the most representative sectors of the Italian agri-food sector, renewed and aligned with the legislation introduced in 2015. For the already existing Commissions the provisions on the matter have been implemented aimed at ensuring greater transparency in contractual relations between market operators and in developing a single indicative price at national level, using the secretariat assigned to Borsa Merci Telematica Italiana scpa - BMTI . Since the start...

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Administrative, Procedure, Reference for a preliminary ruling to the EU Court of Justice, Court decision, Consequence on the decision of the national court, Tar Catanzaro, sect. I, 16 April 2018, Judgment no. 878

Consequence on the decision of the national judge of the ruling of the EU Court of Justice The preliminary reference system referred to in Article 267 TFEU clearly divides the tasks of the authorities, giving the EU Court of Justice the role of interpretation of EU law, without attributions in the resolution of the case, and to the national judge the decision-making role of the controversy by virtue of the procedural emergencies and of the internal law, possibly through the non-application of the national law contrary to the law of the union (1). (1) He clarified the Tar that, with the return...

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Administrative, Building, Building Permit, Building Assessment, Subject to Suspension or Termination, Exclusion, Cons. St., sect. IV, 19 April 2018, Judgment no. 2366

Nature of non-negotiating settlement of the provision The building permit can not be submitted on condition, unless it is required by law The building permit can not be subjected to conditions, whether suspension or termination, given the nature of a non-negotiating assessment of the provision, with the consequence that this title, once it is verified compliance with the current planning regulations, must be released from the Municipality without conditions that are not expressly provided for by a law (1). (1) He recalled the Section that only with specific and limited reference to the hypothesis of the permit conditional on the acquisition of an...

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