
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 17)

Companies, Les Hénokiens, the Enochians

Historical and successful businesses, capable and long-lived An international association brings together family businesses with at least 200 years of history and in good financial health. Three requirements: 1) at least 200 years of history, 2) the family still at the reins, 3) healthy accounts Among the Italians, Beretta, Amarelli and Lanificio Conte The idea was of the French entrepreneur Gérard Glotin, managing director of the Marie Brizard company, who in 1981 thought of an association that would bring together the strengths and experiences of the longest-running family businesses. The name - Les Hénokiens, the Enochians - recalls the biblical figure of Enoch. The father of Methuselah and...

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Companies, Financial, Stock Exchange, Green Bond or “green bonds”

MOT and ExtraMOT markets Recently the European Commission has emphasized the potential and the functioning of the Green Bond market, presenting a package of measures entitled "Clean Energy for all Europeans", according to which from 2021 a supplement of 177 billion euros will be needed per year achieve the objectives identified for 2030 on climate and energy for which these new financing and investment mechanisms could play an essential role. The Green Bonds allow in fact to finance various types of projects with characteristics of environmental sustainability, such as water and waste treatment, initiatives related to pollution prevention and control, transport infrastructures,...

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Financial, Offer to retail investors of binary options and contracts for difference

Community directive on the provision of investment services (Mifid II) and article 42 of the Mifir regulation (EU regulation on the markets of financial instruments) BINARY OPTIONS AND CONTRACTS BY DIFFERENCE: CONSOB'S CONSULTATION FOR THE ADOPTION OF PERMANENT BAN AND RESTRICTION MEASURES Consob initiated a consultation with the financial market on the measures to be taken regarding the offer to retail investors of binary options and contracts for differences. The objective is to introduce in Italy on a permanent basis - pursuant to the EU directive on the provision of investment services (Mifid II) and article 42 of the Mifir regulation (EU regulation...

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Companies, Start-ups and Filiere, Connext, a major international initiative

Connext, in February the event that connects companies, start-ups and supply chains Event focused on the most important drivers of global development Intelligent factory - Metropolitan areas for motor development - Territory laboratory for sustainable development - Person at the center of progress - Made in Italy in the world Connext is a major international initiative, organized by Confindustria to promote partnerships, the integration between national companies and the ecosystem they set up and to encourage the contamination of consolidated companies with startups and reference supply chains. It is a major event focused on the most important drivers of global development, to consolidate and...

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Industrial and Intellectual Property, Design, Evaluation of EU legislation on design protection

The European Commission has launched a stakeholder consultation to gather evidence and views on the current EU legislation on design protection. Since the publication of the Design Directive in 1998 and the Community Design Regulation in 2002, no overall evaluation of EU design protection legislation has been carried out. The consultation is launched with the intention of collecting the input of stakeholders on the functioning of the design protection systems in the EU, at Union and at national levels. It builds on and follows previous research, analysis and targeted surveys conducted as part of two studies on the economic and legal review of...

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Industrial and Intellectual Property, Patenting Blockchain, EPO, European Patent Office

Hague 4 December 2018 Blockchain technology is applied to an ever increasing variety of technical fields. Many of the successful inventions are patentable. How does a patent application appear in this area and should other forms of IP protection also be considered? What implications will blockchain patents on society in the future? These are just some of the topics that the European Patent Office has dealt with in the one-day conference "Patenting blockchain", which brought together the stakeholders: companies, academics, judiciary, policymaking and patent offices for a series of conferences and tables round. Source European Patent Office...

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Industrial and Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Common Practices, CP8 and CP9 Convergence Projects

The project of common practices of the CP8 project (Use of a brand in a form other than the registered one) and project CP9 (Distinction of shape marks containing other elements when the form itself is not distinctive) have been published. The CP8 and CP9 working groups made significant progress in the development of common practices during a drafting seminar in June and the working group meetings in November. As a result, the first Common Practices drafts are now available for review and suggestions from all stakeholders. November 27, 2018 EUIPO European Union Intellectual Property Offic...

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Industrial and Intellectual Property, Trademarks, Drawings and the fight against counterfeiting

Italian Day, Naples, 04 December 2018 Initiative realized and funded within the framework of collaboration between the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and the Italian Patent and Trademark Office (UIBM) The aims of the meeting are to verify, in the field and through direct dialogue between people, the effective contribution that intellectual property offers to contemporary society and the innovations introduced by the reform of European law on the brands already operating for the EU Marks and soon to become national law with the adoption of the Second Trademark Harmonization Directive. Furthermore, a specific focus will be dedicated to the issue of...

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Administrative Process, Decisions, Motivation, Cons. St., III section, Judgment of 27 November 2018 n. 6711

The sentence of the court of first instance motivated in a perplexed manner and with dubious expressions must be annulled on appeal The Section has clarified that an unconvincing motivation by the judicial body is also a non-convincing reason, incapable of expressing, that is, sufficiently - and such as to stand in any case at the jurisdictional level of the judge of the second degree - the concise explanation of the factual and legal reasons that support the contested decision (Article 88, paragraph 2, letter d), cpa). The perplexing, dubitative motivation, expressed with amletic or hermetic formulas, can not satisfy that rigorous...

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