
Studio Legale Mazza > News (Page 10)

Industrial and Intellectual Property, Unfair Confusionary Competition and Counterfeiting of the Registered Trademark, Milan Court, Fourteenth Section, Companies Court, Judgment no. 2622 of March 19, 2021

Art. 125 c.p.i Passim Counterfeiting of trademarks and acts of confusing unfair competition, request for inhibition of the use of distinctive signs, order to withdraw from the market and destruction of all products marked by them, establishment of a penalty, publication of the sentence, and request for compensation of all pecuniary and non-pecuniary damage. For the purposes of settling the damage, the rule that must be applied is the provision referred to in art. 125 c.p.i., which provides that the compensation due to the injured party is paid according to the provisions of art. 1223, 1226 and 1227, Civil Code, having to take...

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Banking and Companies, Increasing support from banks to businesses that integrate environmental, social and corporate governance aspects

Banks: ABI, the commitment to sustainable business growth is strengthened Banks increasingly committed to promoting the growth of businesses in the name of economic, social and environmental sustainability. From the latest survey conducted by ABI, the Italian Banking Association, on Non-Financial Statements (Dnf) published by banks in 2020, the growing support of banks for companies that integrate environmental, social and corporate governance aspects (acronym Esg from 'English Environmental, Social and Governance) in carrying out their activities and undertaking a transition path towards organization and business models based on sustainability. The survey, carried out on a particularly representative sample of the banking sector...

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Italian industry, in the first quarter of 2021 an increase in activity growth of 1.0% is estimated compared to the fourth quarter of 2020

Stability of industrial production in March (-0.1%), after the increase recorded in February (+ 0.6%). The growth of activity in Italian industry stops in March (-0.1%, after + 0.6% in February and + 1.0% in January), but in the first quarter of 2021 an increase in 1.0% compared to the fourth of 2020. Despite the increase in restrictions in Italy, the industry confirms a good resilience, which is more permitted in this phase by the acceleration of foreign demand. Domestic demand, less dynamic due to the limitations in moving and carrying out some activities, affects the tertiary sector which in the first quarter...

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Website news, Web browsing interruption.

The website was not online from 3 am on 10 March 2021 until 03 April 2021. A fire destroyed the data center of the company OVH, which supplied part of the site's cloud infrastructure. The event occurred at 3 am on 10 March 2021. The news was disseminated by the main national and international TVs and by numerous Italian newspapers. Below is the news disclosed by Corriere della Sera on 10 March 2021.

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Italian Companies, Exports in 2021, Expansive Economic Policies

And implementation of the Next Generation EU plan Financing the real economy and an ambitious green agenda SACE Risk Map "One year after the declaration of a pandemic, the SACE Risk Map gives us a completely new snapshot of the world. The restart of Italian companies will be promoted by some important drivers. Exports, first and foremost, which has always been a fundamental engine of our economy, will certainly be a lever to activate. But alone it will not be enough to hook the recovery. It will also be necessary to focus on the implementation of the Next Generation EU plan; on a...

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Public contracts, the public contracts market returns to growth in the 2nd quarter of 2020

52,808 public tender procedures were registered for a total starting price of € 65.4 billion in our country in this period. Statement by the President: we must do more and digitize the entire procurement chain. In the 2nd quarter 2020 the public contracts market returns to growth after the decline in the 1st quarter due to the health emergency and it does so even exceeding the numbers of the period preceding the pandemic both in the number of tenders and in the economic value: this is the main result that emerges from the 2nd quarterly report of the National Anti-Corruption Authority of...

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Italian Cinema Industry, Dynamics of 2021, Exploration of new business models

An important industry hit hard by the pandemic that is restarting thanks to the health protocol for the resumption of audiovisual productions and that explores new business models. The bad news is the pandemic that has blocked television and film productions for a few months and still leaves theaters closed. The good news is that Italian cinema was in good health before the Covid-19 tsunami and that it presents itself better than others at the appointment with the profound changes in the way it is enjoyed in recent months that are expected to last even after the health emergency is over. In 2019,...

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Intellectual Property, International registered trademarks, Pre-use of the de facto trademark, Supreme Court of Cassation, First Civil Section, Judgment n. 29574 of 24 December 2020

Passim Art. 14 of the proprietary code ind. International registered trademarks containing the geographical name; pre-use of the de facto trademark then registered; protection of the sign as a geographical indication by virtue of effective registrations in Italy; signs capable of deceiving the public, in particular on the geographical origin, on the nature or on the quality of the products or services; requests for verification of acts of unfair competition and non-fulfillment of contractual commitments undertaken; nullity due to lack of novelty of the three brands; plurality of questions; summons in reinstatement in the referral. The judgment cited opposes mere disputes such as...

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Intellectual Property, Owners of Intellectual Property Rights, Management of transmission technology patents, Verification of illegality of conduct, Jurisdiction of the Italian judge, Court of Cassation, Un. Sec. Civ., Decree n. 28675 of 15/12/2020

Passim Regulation (EU) n. 1215/2012 Owners of intellectual property rights who intend to exploit economically by granting licenses. Verification of the illegitimacy of the defamation or denigration or unfair competition conducted by the German counterparties, which those alleged and denied offenses had placed as the basis of a press campaign or in any case on information media, including telematic ones in German, as well as of judicial initiatives, seriously damaging to reputation in a highly specialized sector such as the management of transmission technology patents; with simultaneous request for a generic sentence to pay compensation for the damage thus caused to them. Declaration of...

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Public contract, Company reserves, Security deposit, Supreme Court of Cassation, First Section, Interlocutory Ordinance of 05 January 2021 no. 25

The First Civil Section of this Court declared the question of the constitutional legitimacy of art. 23, paragraph 2, of the l. reg. Puglia n. 13 of 2001 in the part in which it states that "If, following the registration of the reserves by the company in the accounting documents, the economic amount of the work varies in increase with respect to the contractual amount, the company is required to establish a cautionary deposit in favor of the administration equal to 0.5 percent of the amount of the presumed higher cost, to guarantee the higher costs for the administration for...

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