Infrastructures, Maritime and Railway Transport, Environment, Business and Sustainable Development, Venice, one of the main hubs of the European Core Corridor Network TEN-T
Development of the country’s entire logistics system
The objective is to increase the transport of goods by rail, through the upgrading of the national railway network, the adaptation to international standards, the improvement of the connectivity of the ports with the other interchange infrastructures, the international crossings and the lines that are part of the TEN corridors. T ”
The railway connections of our port are in fact read for their usefulness not only locally, but towards the entire Country System and its productive and manufacturing fabric
Joint working group to identify strengthening interventions
The care of the iron also arrives in the ports of Venice and Chioggia.
Signed today by Maurizio Gentile, Managing Director of the Italian Railway Network (FS Group) and Pino Musolino, President of the Port System Authority of the Northern Adriatic Sea, the memorandum of understanding for the infrastructural strengthening of the two sea ports.
The agreement establishes the establishment of a joint working group that will identify the interventions necessary for upgrading port infrastructures over the next six months, also in relation to the growth in traffic already recorded and the further development envisaged, and to the improvement of their connections with the national railway network.
A first phase of interventions is planned, aimed at increasing the number of tracks and adapting the module to 750 meters, which will increase the share of freight traffic to and from the port of Venice, one of the main nodes of the European network of Core Corridor TEN-T.
In addition, interventions will be evaluated for the restoration of the railway link between the port of Chioggia and the national network.
The second phase of interventions, on the other hand, envisages the creation of further new connections between the port and the national network and the upgrading of the Venezia Mestre-Marghera Scalo node.
The goods transited through the port of Venice intercept two of the main European Corridors:
the Mediterranean one, which connects the Iberian Peninsula to the Eastern European border via the Italian Turin-Trieste backbone;
the Baltic-Adriatic Corridor, which connects important Italian ports, such as Venice, Austria and the markets of Northern Europe.
“This type of intervention – said Maurizio Gentile, CEO of RFI – is part of the broader development strategy of the entire logistics system of the country, which sees us engaged with the goal of increasing the transport of goods on iron, through the enhancement of the national railway network, the adaptation to international standards, the improvement of the connectivity of the ports with the other interchange infrastructures, the international crossings and the lines that are part of the TEN-T corridors “.
“Today’s agreement marks a milestone in the development of the port of Venice and our competitiveness at the service of the rich hinterland and the numerous reference markets.
The railway connections of our port are in fact read for their usefulness not only locally, but towards the entire Country System and its productive and manufacturing fabric.
The railway demand of our airport in the last year has indeed recorded record numbers starting in 2016 (5,250 trains and 2.2 million tons equal to + 25% in weight compared to 2015), confirming the growth also in 2017 (+ 4.3% in weight compared to 2016 and + 2.3% number of trains compared to 2016).
It should be remembered that today there are already some important railway services that make the Terminal Autostrade del Mare di Fusina totally intermodal and connect Greece via Venice with Northern Europe (Frankfurt and Rostock); the developments planned today with RFI will also allow us to contribute to the implementation of this important traffic sector, which grew by 43% in 2017 and is expected to register a positive trend also in the coming years “, declared the President of the System Authority Port of the Northern Adriatic Pino Musolino.
Rome, 8 February 2018
Source RFI Italian Railway Network