Environment, Industry 4.0, Towards a model of circular economy for Italy, Ministers Gian Luca Galletti and Carlo Calenda
This document aims to provide a general framework for the circular economy and to define the strategic positioning of our country on the theme, in continuity with the commitments adopted under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, of the Agenda 2030 of the United Nations on sustainable development, at the G7 and in the European Union.
This document is an important step for the implementation of the broader National Strategy for Sustainable Development approved by the Italian Government on 2 October 2017, contributing in particular to the definition of the objectives of efficient use of resources and more circular and sustainable production models also thanks to more careful and aware consumption habits. In this context, the great challenge that Italy, together with the most industrialized countries, will face in the next decade is to respond adequately and effectively to the complex environmental and social dynamics, while maintaining the competitiveness of the production system.
It is necessary to put in place a change of paradigm that will start a new industrial policy aimed at sustainability and innovation able to increase the competitiveness of Italian products and manufacturing, and which also forces us to rethink how we consume. and doing business. Italy has the characteristics and the ability to do it and must seize this opportunity to develop new business models that are able to make the most of Made in Italy and the role of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
The transition to a circular economy requires structural change and innovation is the cornerstone of this change. The digital transformation of the production system and the enabling technologies of the cd. Industry 4.0 already offer solutions to make more sustainable and circular productions possible and efficient. To rethink our ways of production and consumption, develop new business models and transform waste into high added value resources, we need creative technologies, processes, services and business models that shape the future of our economy and our society.
Support for research and innovation will therefore be a key factor in boosting the transition, which will also contribute to strengthening competitiveness and modernizing the industry.
We are convinced that the objectives set out above are widely shared. This is confirmed by the outcome of the public consultation aimed at gathering in full transparency the contributions of all the operators involved on the theme of the circular economy.
Participation in the consultation was very wide: over 300 representatives of public administrations, small, medium and large companies, associations, consortia, certification bodies and private citizens have provided a timely contribution to both the document and the responses to the questionnaire. This shows that the “Italian system” is active and wants to “do” because it has understood that the circular economy is an opportunity for change and innovation.
During the consultation, the need to intervene on the following axes has strongly emerged from many points:
1) Regulatory review in order to simplify its implementation and improve its consistency;
2) Economic instruments in order to create adequate incentives for the adoption of circular and sustainable production and consumption models, promoting the transition to environmental tax reform
3) Communication and awareness raising to inform citizens about new consumption patterns, central and local administrations on the opportunities and benefits related to the circular economy theme and foster collaboration among all the actors of the circular economy – Public Administrations, businesses, institutions scientific and technological research
4) Promotion of research in order to foster innovation and technology transfer and the competitiveness of industrial sectors and the training of managers and technicians to respond to the new needs of the Circular Economy
The measurement of circularity is another essential requirement to give substance to the actions to be pursued in the field of the circular economy, towards greater transparency for the market and for the consumer.
Given the complexity of the theme and the need for further analysis, based on the input collected during the consultation, we decided to establish a joint “Technical Table” aimed at identifying suitable indicators to measure and monitor the circularity of the economy and the efficient use of resources at the macro, meso and micro levels. This process will be carried out through a continuous dialogue with the competent public bodies of the subject and will have variable geometry, involving other subjects in relation to the topics dealt with.
Therefore, the challenges are many and many of these are strategic for the future of the Italian system.
With this in mind, this document must be seen as a starting point, a shared basis for the realization of what will be the real “National Action Plan on the circular economy” that will have to indicate in a precise way the objectives, the policy measures and implementation tools that will be at the center of the new circular economy model for Italy.
We leave it to the next Government, which will have the task of drawing up the Action Plan, a document that has the merit of being the result of a widely participated and shared process.
Carlo Calenda Gian Luca Galletti
Source Ministry Environment
07 December 2017