Environment, Companies, New growth opportunities, LIFE Program, EU funding dedicated exclusively to the environment, nature conservation and climate action
Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/210 of 12 February 2018
With the Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/210 of 12 February 2018, the LIFE Multi-Year Work Program for the period 2018-2020 (MAWP 2018-2010) was adopted, taking into account recent updates in EU policy, such as the “circular economy action plan” and the “action plan for nature, citizens and the economy”.
The document specifies how, over the next three years, the LIFE program – the only EU funding instrument dedicated exclusively to the environment, nature conservation and climate action – will guide applicants towards strategic priorities of the EU, will divide its overall budget (amounting to EUR 1.657.063.000) between the priority areas of the two sub-programs and between the different types of funding, streamline the administrative steps for the request for co-financing.
The new LIFE multi-annual work program also outlines the methodology that will be used for the selection of projects and the criteria for the selection and award of grants, also specifying the indicative calendars for both grants and financial instruments.
Among the many changes introduced in the MAWP 2018-2010 to simplify the LIFE program and, in particular, the grant management procedures, a two-stage method for the submission of applications for the cds is envisaged. “Traditional projects” (based on a “general description” followed by a detailed project proposal), in the light of the progress made in the mid-term evaluation of the LIFE program and of the positive experience gained with two-step methods in other programs of the EU.
For the 2018 call, the two-stage procedure will be adopted for the Environment Sub-program only.
Based on the feedback received from the beneficiaries, the method could be extended to the Climate Action sub-program in subsequent years.
Other important innovations of the MAWP 2018-2020 for the Environment sub-program concern the reduction (from 87 to 42) of the number of themes of the projects implementing the thematic priorities set out in Annex III of Regulation (EU) no. 1293/2013 and the reorientation of the themes of the projects on governance and information.
With regard to both the sub-programs, finally, with the new LIFE multi-annual work program:
– greater emphasis is given to the need for continuation, replication and / or transfer of project results in the awarding of grants;
– the further involvement of private bodies is encouraged, emphasizing the advantages of “close to market” approaches as a tool to ensure the sustainability of project results;
– the introduction of the obligation for projects to produce measurable effects on the environment or on climate change in all priority areas is foreseen.
Source Ministry Environment