Companies, Financial, Stock Exchange, Funds, Mechanics, Italian Excellence, Total turnover of over 46 billion euros
Italian factory, Innovation, Boosted by Industry 4.0, Business Integrations
Among the strongest sectors in the sector we find those of hydraulics and hydraulics
Mechanics has always been the driving force of Italian industry.
And the hydraulic and hydraulic pumps sector represents a real excellence thanks to the push of the Interpump colossus
With a total turnover of over 46 billion euro, for more than 210 thousand employees (data Anima-Federation of the National Associations of Mechanical Industry varies and similar), mechanics is confirmed the flagship of Italian industry, thanks also to the boost given by Industry 4.0, industrial automation linked to the “digital revolution”.
Among the strongest sectors of the sector we find those of hydraulics and hydraulics, which we could roughly define as the use of fluids (water in the first case and oil in the second) for the operation of machines and machinery.
For example, the pump sector grew by + 4.4% in 2017 and also for 2018 an increase (+ 2.3%) is expected, albeit lower.
A vitality also due to exports, increased by 3.4% in the last year, which absorbs three quarters of production and is mainly aimed at European markets (Germany, France, Spain), but also in Russia, the United States and the Middle East (especially Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates).
Investments are also noteworthy, exponentially increased in 2017 (+ 21.2%). A trend that is expected to be confirmed also in the course of 2018 (+ 6.3%).
Interpump, world giant
But who are the protagonists of the sector? The first name that comes to mind is undoubtedly the Reggiana Interpump Group S.p.A., the world’s largest manufacturer of professional high pressure plunger pumps and one of the main groups operating on international markets in the hydraulics sector.
Founded in 1977 in S. Ilario d’Enza by Fulvio Montipò, still at the helm of the company, Interpump (listed on the stock exchange since 1996) has turnover in 2017 over 1 billion euro (+ 17% compared to 2016) with a net profit of over 135 million – better balance sheet of the company’s history – thanks also to a capillary acquisition plan that has led it to integrate numerous sector excellences, both in Italy and abroad.
Small companies grow up
Another reality to keep an eye on is Duplomatic Oleodinamica (a 70 million-turnover ELITE company with the goal of reaching 100 in four years), founded in 1952 in Busto Arsizio, whose majority shares are held by the Treviso fund Alcedo Sgr , known for investing investments in Italian SMEs.
Also in Lombardy there is Fluid-o-Tech, which invests 70 million in the field of volumetric pumps and systems for pressurization, metering and transfer of fluids, with different applications in the foodservice, automotive, medical, industrial sectors.
A success also due to the path taken, since 2013, towards smart manufacturing.
The company of Corsico, in Milan, has in fact aimed for years on the integration of the different areas, It and operation in the first place. Specifically, it has invested in cutting-edge automation systems and a digital factory, dematerialising 17,000 documents and creating touch-screen workstations on the machine, which allow access to information at any time.
And then there are many other realities, perhaps less known, that every day contribute to make this sector a true Italian excellence.
23 Apr 2018
The Van
Source Borsa Italiana