Administrative, Building, Free Building Activities, Main Works that can be carried out without any Qualifying Title, Decree 2 March 2018, Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport in agreement with the Ministry for Simplification and Public Administration
Waiting for the completion of the Single Glossary
With the Decree of 2 March 2018 of the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport in agreement with the Ministry for Simplification and Public Administration,
Given the decree of the President of the Republic 6 June 2001, n. 380, on the “Consolidation Act of the laws and regulations on building (text A)” and subsequent amendments and, in particular, art. 6; Given the legislative decree 25 November 2016, n. 222, on “Identification of procedures subject to authorization, Certified reporting of the start of activities (SCIA), silent consent and communication and definition of the administrative arrangements applicable to certain activities and procedures, pursuant to art. 5 of the law of 7 August 2015, n. 124 »and, in particular, art. 1, paragraph 2; Seen the elaborate containing the list of the main building works achievable in free building activity drawn up by the appropriate working group, transmitted by the Superior Council of Public Works with note prot. n. 1517 on 15 February 2018; Considered opportune, during the first implementation of the aforementioned article 1, paragraph 2, of the legislative decree n. 222 of 2016, pending completion of the single glossary to be adopted with subsequent decrees in relation to building works achievable through CILA, SCIA, building permit and SCIA as an alternative to building permits, adopt the glossary containing the non-exhaustive list of the main works buildings fattibili in regime of attivita ‘free building; Acquired the agreement of the unified Conference, as per art. 8 of the legislative decree of 28 August 1997, n. 281, in the session of February 22, 2018;
the glossary containing the non-exhaustive list of the main building works achievable under a free building activity has been approved:
<< 1. In the first phase of the art. 1, paragraph 2, of the legislative decree 25 November 2016, n. 222, the glossary containing the non-exhaustive list of the main building works achievable under a free building activity, as per Annex 1, which forms an integral part of this decree, is approved.
2. With successive decrees, to be adopted with the modalities of which to the art. 1, paragraph 2, of the legislative decree 25 November 2016, n. 222, we provide for the completion of the single glossary, in relation to building works that can be achieved through CILA, SCIA, building permits and SCIA as an alternative to building permits.>>
The Glossary has been in force since 22 April 2018
Decree published in the Official Gazette, General Series, n. 81 of 07 April 2018