Turnover of Industry.
In June it is estimated that the turnover of the industry, net of seasonal factors, registers a cyclical increase of 3.1%, resulting from growth in both markets (+ 4.7% in the foreign market and + 2.1% in the indoor).
In the second quarter, the overall index shows an increase of 5.2% compared to the previous three months (+ 5.5% on the domestic market and + 4.8% on the foreign one).
With reference to the main groupings of industries, in June the seasonally adjusted indices of turnover show economic increases for all the main sectors: energy (+ 6.0%), intermediate goods (+ 5.0%), consumer goods (+ 2.6%), capital goods (+ 0.3%).
Adjusted for calendar effects (there were 21 working days as in June 2020), the total turnover grows in trend terms by 28.4% (+ 30.2% on the foreign market and + 27.5% on the domestic market) .
As regards the indexes corrected for calendar effects referring to the main groupings of industries, there are marked trend increases for all sectors: + 54.3% energy, + 35.4% intermediate goods, +31.0 % capital goods and + 14.1% consumer goods (+26.4 non-durable goods and +11.6 durable goods).
With reference to the manufacturing sector, there are trend increases for all sectors of economic activity, with the exception of the pharmaceutical industry with an almost zero change (-0.1%).
August 26, 2021
Source Istat