The turnover thresholds have been updated for the prior notification of merger transactions, the Competition and Market Authority
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The Antitrust Authority has decided that, starting from today, March 12, 2018, the turnover thresholds beyond which it becomes mandatory the prior notification of the merger transactions amounted to 495 million euros for the total turnover achieved at national level by all the companies involved in the operation and EUR 30 million for the total turnover achieved individually at national level by at least two of the companies concerned.
The increase in the value of the thresholds corresponds, as required by art. 16 of the law n. 287/90, to the increase in the price index of the gross domestic product, equal, as shown by the data published by Istat, for 2017, at 0.62%.
Rome, 12 March 2018
Source of the Competition and Market Guarantor Authority