Public contracts, the public contracts market returns to growth in the 2nd quarter of 2020
52,808 public tender procedures were registered for a total starting price of € 65.4 billion in our country in this period.
Statement by the President: we must do more and digitize the entire procurement chain.
In the 2nd quarter 2020 the public contracts market returns to growth after the decline in the 1st quarter due to the health emergency and it does so even exceeding the numbers of the period preceding the pandemic both in the number of tenders and in the economic value: this is the main result that emerges from the 2nd quarterly report of the National Anti-Corruption Authority of the loan procedures completed for an amount equal to or greater than 40,000 euros in the period May-August 2020.
“The economic analysis of the public contracts market shows that after the decline in the first four months of 2020 due to the first wave of COVID-19 there has been a recovery in the sector, – declared Giuseppe Busia, President of Anac – recovery that the Authority has supported and accompanied both with ad hoc measures and by continuously providing public administrations with indications on how to operate in an emergency using the rules already contained in the Code of Contracts in the best possible way.
Now we must and can do more – concludes the President of the Authority – to make the entire procurement chain more streamlined, transparent and effective, especially in view of the Recovery plan, simplifying it with digitization and an enhancement and sharing of the national contract database. public. An investment for future generations “.
The increases were 4.1% in the number of tenders and 2.8% in the economic value compared to the final numbers of the same quarter of 2019.
Source Anac