M & A, with the merger between Fs and Anas, a group of 11 billion euros is born
Fs-Anas: as a group of 11 billion can change the Italian mobility (and not only).
After the approval of the Antitrust Authority, the absorption operation of the motorway group in the Ferrovie dello Stato starts, which will also lead to 8 billion investments.
And it will only be a part of the 108 billion expenditure foreseen in the 2017-2026 Business Plan. The MEF will confer its Anas shares in the share capital of Fs, 100% held by public hands.
The value of the shares transferred by Anas is € 2.863 billion and thus brings the share capital of Fs to € 39.2 billion.
Fs-Anas: the merger that changes Italian mobility
The objectives of the incorporation of Anas in Fs are five, one for each area in which Anas will operate in relation with other companies in the Fs group (in particular, RFI):
1. integrated planning of infrastructures («to avoid overlapping or other nonsense like the Av station of Afragola that does not have the road link to the highway», explained the no. 1 of Fs, Mazzoncini);
2. planning and coordinated implementation of roads and railways;
3. operational additions in management and maintenance with cost efficiencies estimated at 40 million less per year;
4. technological innovation: smart roads, electrified roads and driverless vehicles;
5. infrastructure projects abroad
In particular, from an Anas-Fs integration, cost savings of 800 million euros will come in ten years, deriving from management efficiencies, cost optimization and synergies in the various activities.
Source Business People