Italian industry, in the first quarter of 2021 an increase in activity growth of 1.0% is estimated compared to the fourth quarter of 2020
Stability of industrial production in March (-0.1%), after the increase recorded in February (+ 0.6%).
The growth of activity in Italian industry stops in March (-0.1%, after + 0.6% in February and + 1.0% in January), but in the first quarter of 2021 an increase in 1.0% compared to the fourth of 2020.
Despite the increase in restrictions in Italy, the industry confirms a good resilience, which is more permitted in this phase by the acceleration of foreign demand.
Domestic demand, less dynamic due to the limitations in moving and carrying out some activities, affects the tertiary sector which in the first quarter weighs on the dynamics of GDP, which is expected to retreat slightly.
The qualitative surveys (ISTAT and manufacturing PMI) confirm a cautious optimism on the evolution of demand in the coming months, in line with the assurances of the Government on the rapid and efficient evolution of the vaccination campaign.
02 April 2021
Source Confindustria Study Center