Italian audiovisual industry, Production in 2023

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Italian audiovisual industry, Production in 2023

The Ministry of Culture presented, as part of the initiatives at the Italian Pavilion on the occasion of the 81st Venice International Film Festival, the report THE NUMBERS OF ITALIAN CINEMA AND AUDIOVISUAL – Year 2023.

Below are the links to the documents presented and a summary of the main results published by the Cinema and Audiovisual Directorate General of the Ministry of Culture.

Report “Cinema and audiovisual numbers – Year 2023”

Italy’s cinema and audiovisual industry in numbers – 2023 (Executive summary EN)

Presentation “Italian cinema and audiovisual numbers – Year 2023″ – IT

Slide “Italy’s cinema and audiovisual industry in numbers – 2023” EN

The main results

Cinema Production

The Italian films produced in 2023 are 402 (+13% on 2022), exceeding pre-pandemic levels (+23.7% on 2019).

There are 262 100% Italian films (156 fiction and 106 documentaries) plus 92 co-productions for a total of 354 eligible Italian films, up 12% on 2022.

The contribution of female directors to the production of films and documentaries increases both in percentage of the total (17%) and in absolute value (+52% compared to 2022).

The total cost of films produced exceeds 700 million euros (+21% on 2022).

In the breakdown of costs, approximately 57% of the overall budget comes from the “other” item, largely attributable to investments by broadcasters and platforms.

The largest share of national public investments comes from tax credits: in 2023 tax credits for production alone are worth 206.13 million euros (+17.6% on 2022).

In the year under review there was an increase in the total tax credit requested both in terms of number of works (398) and credit requested (225.26 million euros).

The percentage of titles released in theaters that completed classification between 2019 and 2023 varies between 60% and 80%.

Audiovisual production

The audiovisual works (TV and web) produced in 2023 are 248, more than double compared to 2019 and growing compared to 2022 (TV: +13 works, web +5 works).

The overall cost of Italian-initiated audiovisual works produced in 2023 increased, reaching 824 million euros, almost 100 million more than the previous year.

In the breakdown of costs, almost 65% of the overall budget comes from the “other” item, largely attributable to investments by broadcasters and platforms.

In 2023, tax credits for production alone are worth 254.81 million euros (+6% on 2022).

In the year under review, the works for which tax credit was requested were 219 for an amount of 276 million euros: especially the resources to support works intended for the web were growing. The overall investment is close to 900 million euros.

International tax credit


Between 2016 and 2023, 186 films applied for international tax credit for a total of over 513 million euros in credit requested.

The works for which the tax credit was requested in 2023 were 31 (there were 40 in 2022) for a total request of 167 million euros.

The total investment (2016-2023) on which the tax credit was requested is 1.38 billion euros.


Between 2016 and 2023, 168 audiovisual works (TV and web) applied for international tax credit for a total of over 365 million euros of credit requested.

There were 26 foreign audiovisual productions that requested tax credit in 2023 (there were 33 in 2022) for a total request of 55 million euros.

The total investment (2016-2023) on which the tax credit was requested is 1 billion euros.

Tax credit video games

In 2023, the video games for which a tax credit was requested were 52 (there were 37 in 2022) for a total credit requested of 9.3 million euros (12.8 million in 2022)

Over the three-year period, a total credit of over 27 million euros was recognized for 117 works produced by 79 companies.

The total investment (2021-2023) on which the tax credit was requested is equal to 127 million euros.

Methodological clarification

The data base of the chapter dedicated to cinema production refers to the classification system of feature film works for public screening which from 2021 replaces the authorization system. The works taken into consideration are therefore those that have completed the classification procedure.

In the chapter relating to audiovisual production, the data collection criterion refers to the delivery of the sample copy to the Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual.

As regards the international tax credit, requests made for foreign works from 2016 to 2023 are examined.

The video game tax credit, inaugurated in 2021, takes into account the requests made in the three-year period 2021-2023.

Source Anica



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