Italian-Arab companies, the 22 countries belonging to the League of Arab States, a market that exceeds 400 million inhabitants, common strategies, a Memorandum of Understanding between the Puglia Region and the Italian-Arab Cooperation Chamber, and exports in 2017 over 106, 5 million euros
In Puglia, the international stock exchange of Italian-Arab companies “Strategic Opportunity. We will strengthen economic relations and dialogue ”
The Puglia Region explores the opportunities offered by the Arab countries and signs for the first time in Italy a memorandum of understanding with the Italian-Arab Chamber of Cooperation, the association that promotes relations between Italy and the 22 member states of the League of Arab States, a market that exceeds 400 million inhabitants.
At the center of the agreement a collaborative path to develop common strategies that include projects, search for funding channels, networks and commercial partnerships to carry out joint actions also using national, EU and international funds.
Thus Puglia and the Italian-Arab Cooperation Chamber will collaborate on issues of common interest.
Among these, the development of international relations and economic relations; the promotion of the internationalization of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises; investment promotion and economic growth; international cooperation; cultural promotion and the development of territories.
The agreement was signed this morning by the Councilor for Economic Development of the Puglia Region and by the vice-president of the Italian-Arab Chamber of Cooperation and is already being implemented in the international exchange of Italian-Arab companies, scheduled for the first time in Puglia, in Bari , from 3 to 5 May 2018 with an incoming mission of foreign operators from Arab countries.
Focus of the Stock Exchange six countries of the Arab world particularly receptive to products such as Focus of the Stock Exchange six countries of the Arab world particularly receptive to products such as machinery, advanced mechanics, green economy, building materials, biomedical devices and cosmetics, all linked to strategic sectors for Puglia.
This is Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Kuwait, Oman and Qatar, countries to which the flow of exports in the first nine months of 2017, according to the latest by the ISTAT, is already worth more than 106.5 million euros , up 2.2% over the same period of 2016.
On the occasion of the event will be presented the opportunities for collaboration and business for the companies of Puglia in the six target countries and promoted the attractiveness and innovation of Puglia.
Followed by thematic seminars, bilateral meetings between Apulian companies and Arab operators and company visits.
“The Mediterranean area and the Middle East – explained the Regional Councilor for Economic Development – represent a strategic opportunity both for internationalization and for the attraction of foreign investments, able to create economic development and employment.
This is why the signing of today’s Protocol and the International Stock Exchange are important initiatives for Puglia. From an economic point of view, they allow us to promote products from sectors already known in these markets, but above all to promote and promote new products.
Towards the Arab countries we already export machines, shoes, clothing items, agricultural products, telecommunications equipment and furniture. On the occasion of the Stock Exchange we would like to make known also the products and know-how of Puglia related to the green economy and the blue economy, building materials, biomedical devices and cosmetics, advanced mechanics, basically all the made in Puglia more innovative.
But the significance of this event also has a cultural value: in an era in which walls and barbed wires are raised, Puglia builds bridges and initiates dialogue opportunities “.
“The signing of a memorandum of understanding with the Puglia Region – added the vice president and managing director of the Italian-Arabian Cooperation Chamber Raimondo Schiavone – the first of its kind in Italy, is of extraordinary importance to intensify the internationalization processes of the local production system towards foreign markets.
A first occasion is represented by the International Stock Exchange of Italian-Arab companies. The event, conceived by the Chamber, was strongly desired by the Puglia Regional Council. The choice of the capital is not random: the city of Bari is, in fact, one of the most important commercial hubs of the South, with a strong vocation to export to the Arab markets.
Moreover, the Bari event is also an ideal bridge with Expo Dubai 2020, called to collect the baton of the Universal Exposition of Milan, through the leitmotif of environmental sustainability and the protection of the planet’s resources “.
The protocol between the Italian-Arab Chamber of Cooperation comes into force today.
To identify joint actions, a working group will be set up consisting of the Head of the Internationalization section of the Puglia Region, a representative of the Italian-Arab Cooperation Chamber and a component of Puglia Sviluppo spa, which provides technical support to the Region for internationalization and attracting investments.
Source of Italian – Arabian Cooperation Chamber