Intellectual Property, Owners of Intellectual Property Rights, Management of transmission technology patents, Verification of illegality of conduct, Jurisdiction of the Italian judge, Court of Cassation, Un. Sec. Civ., Decree n. 28675 of 15/12/2020
Regulation (EU) n. 1215/2012
Owners of intellectual property rights who intend to exploit economically by granting licenses.
Verification of the illegitimacy of the defamation or denigration or unfair competition conducted by the German counterparties, which those alleged and denied offenses had placed as the basis of a press campaign or in any case on information media, including telematic ones in German, as well as of judicial initiatives, seriously damaging to reputation in a highly specialized sector such as the management of transmission technology patents; with simultaneous request for a generic sentence to pay compensation for the damage thus caused to them.
Declaration of the jurisdiction of the Italian judge in the requests for ascertaining the illegality of the conduct of the original foreign defendants and general condemnation to compensation for damages.
Source Supreme Court of Cassation