Financial, Stock Exchange, Telematic systems on ETFPlus, Return of equity, bond or commodity indices, Trading record on ETFPlus in the first quarter of 2018
Historical record of turnover traded per quarter: € 31.22 billion
– Historical record of exchanges for each session on 6 February: 53,649 contracts for a total countervalue of 1.58 billion euros
– Historical value record exchanged with RFQ functionality in March alone, with € 727.7 million
Also the beginning of 2018 sees Borsa Italiana a leader in Europe for contracts traded on telematic systems on ETFPlus.
Since the beginning of the year, 66 new instruments have been listed on ETFplus, of which 63 ETFs and 3 open funds for a total of 1250 instruments available on the market at the end of March.
This first quarter of the year saw 2 new ETF issuers, Franklin Templeton and JP Morgan, for a total of 18 ETP issuers and 1 new open-end issuer, FCS Global Fund, for a total of 31 issuers.
ETFPlus recorded a collection of 2.69 billion euros and at the end of March the market AUM reached 66.44 billion euros with an increase of 11.64% compared to the same period of 2017.
16 Apr 2018
Source Borsa Italiana