Financial, Changes to the Regulation on the Collection of Capitals through Online Portals, Consob
Article 50-quinquies of the TUF by Legislative Decree no. 165 of 25 November 2019 (so-called “MiFID corrective”)
Consob resolution no. 21259 of February 6, 2020
Consob, with resolution no. 21259 of February 6, 2020, amended the Regulation on raising funds through online portals, adopted with resolution no. 18592/2013 (Crowfunding Regulation), in order to adapt it to the changes made to article 50-quinquies of the TUF by Legislative Decree no. 165 of 25 November 2019 (so-called “MiFID corrective”).
The Crowdfunding Regulation has therefore been adapted to the above described modification of the primary legislation.
Consob points out that it was not necessary to start a public consultation process to make changes to the Crowdfunding Regulation, as it is an intervention of mere adaptation to a provision of primary rank.
The content of the portal manager register was also integrated, in order to reflect in the register the recent expansion of the perimeter of the activities that the manager can provide.
February 10, 2020
Consob source