Copyright, Generic professional qualifications, Music consultant for television broadcasts, Civil Court of Cassation, Labor Section, Interlocutory Ordinance no. 28928 of 10/18/2023 - Studio Legale Mazza

Copyright, Generic professional qualifications, Music consultant for television broadcasts, Civil Court of Cassation, Labor Section, Interlocutory Ordinance no. 28928 of 10/18/2023

Studio Legale Mazza > News  > Copyright, Generic professional qualifications, Music consultant for television broadcasts, Civil Court of Cassation, Labor Section, Interlocutory Ordinance no. 28928 of 10/18/2023

Copyright, Generic professional qualifications, Music consultant for television broadcasts, Civil Court of Cassation, Labor Section, Interlocutory Ordinance no. 28928 of 10/18/2023

Legal qualification, Cass. n. 21829/01


Functional activity for the creation of a show

Entertainment workers belonging to the second group, that is, according to Cass. 21829/01, workers with generic professional qualifications – in this case musical arrangers/consultants for some television broadcasts – whose activity is however functional to the creation of a show.

The figure of musical arrangers/consultants does not fall into any of these categories, instead being part of the second group of entertainment workers, as mentioned above.

The special rule, aimed at reducing litigation, evidently concerning only workers in categories 1-14, cannot be applied beyond its scope, and therefore remains irrelevant in the present case.

Source Supreme Court of Cassation



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