Company Law, Banking, Trust Company, Bank Escrow, Escrow Agreement, Court of Cassation, I Civ. Sec., Order n. 7364 of 23/03/2018

Studio Legale Mazza > News  > Company Law, Banking, Trust Company, Bank Escrow, Escrow Agreement, Court of Cassation, I Civ. Sec., Order n. 7364 of 23/03/2018

Company Law, Banking, Trust Company, Bank Escrow, Escrow Agreement, Court of Cassation, I Civ. Sec., Order n. 7364 of 23/03/2018

Injunction of payment to the fiduciary company, principal debtor, and to guarantors.

On the basis of the application the bank placed a provisional contract and the guarantees issued;

the loans granted were requested based on the existence of an escrow agreement set up at a foreign bank with trust funds;

escrow agreement non-existent;

conferment of the management of the escrow agreement in fiduciary administration.

Source Supreme Court of Cassation

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