Company Income, Leasing Fees, Pre-financing Fees and Interest Payable, Deductibility, Court of Cassation, V Section Trib., Judgment n. 8897 of 11/04/2018

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Company Income, Leasing Fees, Pre-financing Fees and Interest Payable, Deductibility, Court of Cassation, V Section Trib., Judgment n. 8897 of 11/04/2018

In the case of transferable leasing, the pre-financing fees and the interest payable, paid before delivery, must also be considered as belonging to the asset for which they were incurred, and therefore, as “directly attributable charges”, they do not avoid the principle of competence, but must be deducted “pro rata” using the accounting technique of the deferral, for the entire duration of the contract, from the moment of delivery.

Source Supreme Court of Cassation

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