Companies, Supply Chain, Innovation, Growth Objective
Creation of 20 supply chains
Industrial policies more suited to the new context and more incisive
In December, the General Council of Confindustria Emilia approved the new organization in supply chains: a change of mentality that brings the association into the innovative idea of the supply chains, leaving the tradition of the division into sectors, which obviously do not disappear but remain a substrate of the new system.
“The path has led us to the creation of 20 supply chains, of which 17 speak of manufacturing, because manufacturing is our heart”, explains the president of Confindustria Emilia Alberto Vacchi.
“We presented the first draft of work to all fellow entrepreneurs, with a road show, last January across the Emilia area (10 meetings in 3 days), in which we collected many suggestions and caught a lot of expectations”.
“It is a real innovation”, the president reiterates, “both in representation and in services: it will allow us to develop a new method of reading the productive fabric, and will be an indispensable input for the development of the association.
But it will also become an important source of information for industrial policies, for the school world, for the whole of society “.
“The supply chains”, confirms the vice-president of Confindustria Emilia Valter Caiumi, “are a new way of looking at our companies, built on scientific data, and this approach makes it an essential working tool, useful for verifying and elaborating more industrial policies. adapted to the new context and more incisive “.
“In addition, we decided to work for supply chains to give a significant dimension to a manufacturing territory of great importance, but this dimension did not yet have it.
With the supply chains, the problem of the size of the single company loses importance, because it is the supply chain that is the bearer of the dimension “, adds Caiumi.
“There are no more small, medium and large companies, the supply chain is like a corporation, in which all companies can obtain the valorization they need; barriers fall and opportunities increase “.
The Confindustria Emilia Supply Chain Observatory was presented
May 31st
Source Confindustria Emilia