Companies, Start – Ups, 1600 Business Angels in Italy active in 120 financing rounds
Ecosystem growth
(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor Plus) – Milan, 11 Jan
Between 2018 and 2022, the over 1600 Business Angels active in Italy participated in more than 120 financing rounds for an invested amount of over 45 million euros.
This is what emerges from the study “Business Angel in Italy: the impact of angel investing” carried out by the Italian Tech Alliance and Growth Capital, in collaboration with the Social Innovation Monitor of the Polytechnic of Turin and the University of East Anglia.
According to the report, 70% of the total Business Angels identified operate in Northern Italy: Lombardy leads the way with 687 active entities, followed by Piedmont with 240 and Lazio with 174.
94% of the Business Angels mapped have a higher education qualification and 78% have an entrepreneurial or managerial background.
Furthermore, it is important to underline that 66% of Business Angels are registered with a Business Angel Group (Bag) or a Business Angel Network (Ban), confirming the fundamental role played by Business Angel organizations for the growth of the ecosystem .
Specifically, 17 Business Angel Groups operate in Italy (11 in the North-West, 4 in the North-East and 2 in Central Italy) and 16 Business Angel Networks (7 in the North-West, 2 in the North-East, 5 in Central Italy and 2 between the South and the Islands).
In the last five years, approximately 10% of the investment rounds completed in Italy have seen the participation of one or more Bag/Ban with a progressive and continuous growth from the 20 rounds in 2018 which involved Bag or Ban and the 30 in 2022 .
Still looking at the period 2018-2022, it is also highlighted that the amount invested in rounds with the presence of Bag/Ban represented approximately 20% of the total invested in Italy, with fluctuations from 6% to 28%.
The amount invested in rounds with the presence of Bag/Ban represented a constantly growing portion of the total invested, going from 29 million in 2018 (out of total investments of 502 million) to 529 million in 2022 (out of over 1.8 billions in investments).
Source Teleborsa