Companies, Smart & Start Italy, innovative start-ups throughout Italy, facilitations aimed at supporting birth and development, Ministerial circular 14 February 2018, n. 102159 Mise

Studio Legale Mazza > News  > Companies, Smart & Start Italy, innovative start-ups throughout Italy, facilitations aimed at supporting birth and development, Ministerial circular 14 February 2018, n. 102159 Mise

Companies, Smart & Start Italy, innovative start-ups throughout Italy, facilitations aimed at supporting birth and development, Ministerial circular 14 February 2018, n. 102159 Mise

Modifications and additions
The circular introduces some changes and additions to the ministerial circular December 10, 2014, n. 68032 laying down the criteria and methods for granting subsidies aimed at supporting the creation and development of innovative start-ups throughout Italy.
The press release relating to the circular was published in the Official Gazette no. 42 of 20 February 2018.

Source Ministry of Economic Development


Circolare-14-02-2018-n-102159 Mise


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