Companies, National Business Plan 4.0, 2017 Results and Actions for 2018
Minister Carlo Calenda in Turin presented the results for 2017 and the actions for 2018 of the National Business Plan 4.0
He opened the proceedings, moderated by Andrea Cabrini (CNBC Class), the Minister of Economy and Finance, Pier Carlo Padoan.
The President of the Council of Ministers, Paolo Gentiloni, closed the meeting.
The presentation took place at the Officine Grandi Riparazioni (OGR), the new hub dedicated to creativity, innovation and business acceleration.
One year after the introduction of Business Plan 4.0, I share the budget with you.
Here are some data from the monitoring analysis that you can find on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development: in 2017 the companies that invested in research and development more than doubled (+ 104%, compared to 2016); the internal orders of the 4.0 goods, incentivized by super and hyper amortization and by Nuova Sabatini, grew by 11%; the Guarantee Fund for SMEs has guaranteed 17.5 billion additional credits; the Development Contracts have activated 4 billion investments creating or safeguarding 58 thousand jobs; exports grow by 8%, more than France and Germany.
These are encouraging numbers, obtained thanks to you and your ability to invest, innovate and internationalize, also taking advantage of the instruments and incentives of the Plan.
To consolidate this process, Business Plan 4.0 in 2018 includes, among other measures:
the refinancing of € 7.8 billion and the extension of the terms of the amortization with a rate of 250% up to 31 December 2019 (prior order and down payment by 31 December 2018) and the terms of the super amortization with a rate of 130% to 30 June 2019 (prior order and advance payment by December 31, 2018);
the Nuova Sabatini for 330 million;
the allocation of 823 million for the 2018 of the Guarantee Fund that will allow the access of SMEs to approx. 20 billion additional credit;
the establishment of the Intangible Capital Fund with a budget of 255 million to finance research and innovation projects;
actions for human capital and skills: 40% tax credit for companies investing in training for workers on 4.0 technologies with an estimate of 250 million incentives; 95 million to double the current number of students of higher technical institutes in the three-year period.
The Business Plan 4.0 of 2018 amounts, in total, to 9.8 billion of resources, without including the multi-year measures such as Tax Credit in Research and Development valid until 2020 and the structural facilities for startups.
February 07, 2018
Minister Carlo Calenda
Source Ministry of Economic Development