Companies, Financial, Stock Exchange, Growth Markets for SMEs, Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Regulations (EU) no. 596/2014 and (EU) 2017/1129 for the promotion of the use of growth markets for SMEs
Reasons and objectives of the proposal
Expanding access to market-based funding sources for European companies at every stage of their development is a fundamental objective of the Capital Markets Union (UMC).
Since the launch of the Action Plan for Capital Markets Union, the European Union has made significant progress to increase funding sources as companies expand and increase the availability of market-based funding across the board. ‘EU.
New rules are already in place to stimulate the investment of EU venture capital funds (EuVECA) in start-ups and small and medium-sized enterprises.
Together with the European Investment Fund, the Commission has also launched a pan-European venture capital fund (VentureEU) program to stimulate investments in start-ups and companies in the expansion phase (scale-up) across Europe innovative.
New rules have been adopted on the prospectuses to support companies that raise funds on public capital and debt markets.
A new EU growth prospect is being created for small businesses and mid-cap companies looking to raise funds across the EU.
Furthermore, to improve access to finance for start-ups and entrepreneurs, the Commission has proposed a European brand for investment-based and loan-based crowdfunding platforms (“European crowdfunding services providers for businesses”).
However, more needs to be done to develop a more appropriate regulatory framework to facilitate access to public funding by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
This objective should be achieved in particular by promoting the name “growth market for SMEs” introduced by the Second Directive on Markets in Financial Instruments (MiFID II) 1 and by striking the right balance between investor protection and market integrity, on the one hand , and the removal of unnecessary administrative burdens, on the other.
COM (2018) 331 final
2018/0165 (COD)
Report and Regulations
Brussels, 24.5.2018
European Commission