Banking and Companies, Internationalization, Chinese Market
From banks over 7 billion to support the commercial and financial operations of companies in the high potential sectors of the Chinese market
Economic Forum held in Tianjin, on the occasion of the entrepreneurial mission dedicated to SMEs, organized by the Cassa depositi e prestiti (CDP), for the Italian part, and Bank of China (BoC), for the Chinese side, in coordination with the Ministry of Development Italian economic (MiSE) and the Chinese Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and with the support of ABI, Confindustria and ICE Agency.
The aims of the “five banks participating in the mission” are as follows:
a) reinforce the support offered to Italian companies, both from Italy and directly on the spot;
b) to strengthen relations with local counterparts;
c) identify new ones;
d) and increase its activities.
For these reasons, a meeting was organized with the Chinese Banking Association (CBA), the Chinese Central Bank (PBOC), the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC) and some local banks.
The meeting was a precious opportunity to take stock of the state of relations between the banks of the two countries, to jointly examine how to improve the collaboration already in place and to update each other on the structure of the respective financial sectors.
During the business meetings, the five Italian banks participating in the mission provide as many assistance desks, to better support Italian and Chinese companies in identifying the most suitable financial solutions to carry out new commercial operations and investment projects in the country.
26 September 2019
Source ABI Italian Banking Association