Intellectual Property, Common Practice, Criteria for assessing disclosure of designs on the Internet
European Network of Brands and Designs and Models
Consultation on CP10 – Criteria for assessing disclosure of designs on the Internet
The CP10 project common practice project – “Criteria for assessing disclosure of designs on the Internet
The CP10 working group, composed of representatives of EU intellectual property offices, user associations, the European Patent Office (EPO) and EUIPO, has made significant progress in developing common practice during group meetings. and a seminar held in December 2018.
Best practices and skills were shared among the members of the working group to establish the common principles of the CP10 project.
As a result, the first draft of Common Practice is now available in English for review and suggestions.
The CP10 project is part of the European cooperation projects under the title ECP4 Shared services and practices.
March 22, 2019
Source EUIPO Office of the European Union for Intellectual Property