Environment, Companies, Banking, Climate Change and Agenda 2030, Framework Agreement
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
With the aim of following up the commitments foreseen by the Paris Agreement on climate change and the Agenda 2030, on 4 May 2018 the Director General for Sustainable Development, for environmental damage and for relations with the European Union and the International Bodies, Francesco La Camera and Dr. Antonella Baldino, Chief Business Officer of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, signed a framework agreement for the establishment of a common platform called Climate & Sustainable Development Italian Platform “, with the aim to support projects and initiatives to mitigate and adapt to climate change, primarily in developing countries with which the Ministry of the Environment has initiated bilateral cooperation relations.
The list of instruments to which the platform can be used to guarantee financial support is broad, with preference for micro, small and medium-sized companies.
In fact, in the framework agreement that establishes and governs the platform, there is a detailed reference on loans, guarantees for risk hedging, capital investments and non-repayable investments.
It is also possible to attract additional funding in blending and / or through other local, national, European, international or multilateral financial institutions.
Rome, 10 May
Source Ministry of the Environment